week 5 response oHR

Description CREATE ONE PARAGRAPH TO RESPOND TO THIS CLASSMATE To understand the purpose of literature review, I had to first understand what is meant by literature. Literature can be any form of scholarly writing like books, articles, or theses by graduate students (Literature Reviews, n.d.). A review of this literature can be done for various…


Description Part 1 Superstitions are unsupported beliefs about cause and effect that guide the actions of many people. Pick a superstition that you have or that you have heard another person discuss. Use the principles of operant conditioning to discuss how that superstition came in to existence and has become imbedded into your (or the…

DTSC 3020 Section 501 – Introduction to Computation with Python (Fall 2023 1)

Description For this assignment, you will be reading text data from a file, counting a number of words, and writing the results to a new file. The details of how your program should work are described in the Requirements section below. Input Data: A sample input data file (hobbies.txt) that your program should process is…

History of photography

Description History of the World – Imagine what the world was like during the photographic years/eras we will be discussing [this is World History and NOT Photo History] – photography did not evolve in a vacuum. there was so much going on! – what did the world look like, for royalty and common folk etc….

American Studies Question

Description Sources are the fuel that powers history writing. When historians are trying to reconstruct and understand the significance of past events their evidence comes from two broad categories of sources. Primary sources refer to materials that were created during the time period under study. Examples of primary sources include textual materials (letters, diaries), visual…

sing the menu and sales/cost detail provided by our POS system as well the costings you have previously completed.

Description Using the menu and sales/cost detail provided by our POS system as well the costings you have previously completed, complete a menu engineering analysis of a selected menu section. Your first step then is to choose one of the three food menu sections analyzing the 3 items offered within these categories: 1)appetizers 2)Main entrees…

It’s Not Fair! Video presentation

Description Prepare: Prior to beginning work on this discussion, Read Equity Vs Equality: Facilitating Equity in the ClassroomLinks to an external site. Watch Solving the Achievement Gap Through Equity, Not Equality | Lindsey Ott | TEDxYouth@ColumbiaLinks to an external site. Review the Culturally Responsive Behavior Supports: Considerations for PracticeLinks to an external site. document that…

Race – The Power of an Illusion

Description Click on this link Race: The power of an illusion/Links to an external site.Links to an external site.https://www.racepowerofanillusion.org/clips There are 3 episodes, which are divided into 11 sections that you need to access. You must watch all three episodes and answer the following questions: Explain your answers and provide example(s)/reference from the film. Please…