Cross Cultural Journey


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Please write an introduction to section 2 and answer question 4 in Section 2

Section 1

Choose a country that interests the group. You do not need to provide any additional information about the country.


Identify three cultural dimensions that are of interest to you. You have already seen examples of GLOBE’s cultural dimensions.

Future orientation (Janis).

Power distance (Nila)

Collectivism (Daria)

Provide a clear definition of each dimension. You may need to consult other sources in the literature to provide a clear definition.

Future orientation (Janis).

The future-oriented dimension describes the importance of planning and living for the future opposed to the present. A high future is like an “obsession” with the future, individuals with this orientation have a sense of control over the future, making it logical to plan for what lies ahead. The key concept is ‘long-term’. Plans, decisions, and actions are made with a future-oriented vision, and individuals live their lives in accordance with that mindset. In contrast, societies with low future orientation tend to be short-term focused, prioritizing current events and placing less emphasis on the future. As stated in the article ‘Managerial Implications of the GLOBE Project: A Study of 62 Societies’ by M. Javidan and A. Dastmalchian in 2009, ‘Future orientation is the degree to which individuals in organizations or societies engage in future-oriented behaviours, such as planning, investing in the future, and delaying gratification.’

Power distance (Nila)

Power distance refers to the degree to which power is distributed among the citizens of a particular country. Typically, it highlights the unequal distribution of power within government/community structure, cultural hierarchy, family structure, workspaces, and educational institutions. Power distance is driven by factors such as communication approaches, decision-making practices, independence, accountability, success/achievement, community structure, engagement/giving.

In Canada’s society equality and balance in its power/political structure, business, and education. Its citizens can take an active role in cultivating a strong, stable cultural environment that creates room for diversity and acceptance to a certain degree. While diversity is an asset, the focus on a national identity and living within cultural norms, following traditions and adherence to laws/policies is prevalent. Individualism within Canadian culture has its place as personal success and achievement is a major driver for its citizens. There is an openness and tolerance of individual thought and shared discussions; however, privacy is highly valued and protected with innermost thoughts are values reserved for families and close relationships. Canada culture is still “male forward” like most countries but is viewed as highly progressive in creating opportunities for women leadership, education, and business.

Collectivism (Daria)

Section 2

Based on your offered definition and descriptions, create 4-5 questions for each dimension that in your group’s judgment will help you learn about each dimension in the country of your interest.

a) Future orientation (Janis)

  1. Do people living in Canada typically have a future-oriented mindset?
  2. What are the characteristics of a future-oriented person, and do Canadians mostly embody those characteristics?
  3. In terms of future orientation, where is your country heading—toward becoming more future-oriented, less so, or staying the same?
  4. What can a country and its people typically do, or what actions can they take, to foster a future-oriented mindset?
  5. Jack Welch, the CEO of the USA-based General Electric from 1981 to 2001, once said, ‘The Jack Welch of the future cannot be like me.’ If we were to describe a typical Canadian organization in the present day, what strategies would CEOs use in the context of future orientation?
Explanation & Answer

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