Description THERE ARE 4 PART PART 1* For this assignment I want you to find a news article on a team that was very productive/effective. After reading the article write a 2-3 page summary that includes the following: Explain who the team is and how they were productive/effective. Identify the elements of that team that…

need help with this work

Description THERE IS 3 PARTS **PART 1** 1. A. Please define, in several sentences each and in your own words, what you believe to the be the main ideas within these ethical theories: relativism, universalism, egoism, altruism, virtue theory, hedonism, stoicism, natural law, rights theory, Kantian, utilitarian and justice theories. (roughly 8-10 sentences). 2. State…

AU Strategic Health Plan Presentation

Description Overview The foundation for a strong, effective, and actionable strategic plan is built on collaborative partnerships with engaged stakeholders. In order to communicate the strategic direction of the plan, as director of the local public health department, you will lead a town hall presentation in order to summarize the priorities, approaches, and outcomes for…

Aberystwyth University Health & Medical Epidemiological Research Studies Paper

Description Overview It is essential that the hypotheses and design of epidemiological research studies use the best methods and knowledge to further understand issues of concern and exposure in the community. It is expected that all research has scientific merit, has a hypothesis that warrants study, is competently conducted, and produces findings that are the…

Aberystwyth University Town Hall Presentation to Your Community Discussion

Description DISCUSSION 1—In Unit 6, you had the opportunity to give a town hall presentation to your community. As the director of the local public health department, stakeholders such as academicians, health professionals, state health department staff, representatives from affected communities, and representatives from nongovernmental organizations are looking to you to understand all aspects of…

AU CBPR Model Discussion

Description DISCUSSION 1—Complete the following: Describe the CBPR model to a class of public health practitioners.(COMMUNITY-BASED PARTICIPATORY RESEARCH) Include the challenges and benefits implementing the CBPR model DISCUSSION 2—-So many public health issues plague communities across the globe. Complete the following: Suggest how communities can prioritize their health problems and concerns with the limited allocated…

Aberystwyth University Communication Cultural Imperialism Essay

Description PART 1—For this journal entry, look up and define cultural imperialism. After the definition, describe what it means to you. Additionally, how does the mass media spread cultural imperialism? Use examples to help support your response A Word document that includes a response to the questions posed under the Assignment Summary. Your response should…

AU Data Collection and Analysis Discussion

Description DISCUSSION 1—-Discuss how your data collection and analysis plan will answer your research questions. What are the potential confounders in your study? How will you minimize confounding bias? DISCUSSION 2—As the director of the local public health department, you are preparing to conduct a town hall presentation. In it you will communicate the direction…