Art Question

Description I have this assignment due and I will provide all the information and if you can finish it earlier I will appreciate it and if there is anything let me know. I want two different answers, for example you write first answer finish and write second answer and must be different than the first…

Art Question

Description I have this assignment due and I will provide all the information and if you can finish it earlier I will appreciate it and if there is anything let me know. Assignment Goals: Food for Thought: This week we examined the theme of Food and Shelter and Gender and Sexuality and how they relates…

Virtual Art Museum Visit B San Diego Museum of Art Selections from the Museum’s Permanent Collection and various Media

Description This virtual art museum visit provides students with a visual experience of art. Students completing this virtual journey will explore theSan Diego Museum of Art online website and demonstrate the ability to express a critical analysis by ad dressing the followingspecific questions and taking personal notes on the exhibition.Assignment (written paper format in paragraphs)…