reply to students

Description Have you ever thought you just weren’t enough? Whatever you do is never good enough and you’ll never be fully appreciated because what’s there to appreciate. I know I have just like Ricky, Jen Yu, and Casiopea have as well. Everyone goes through this struggle and it’s been consistent throughout the world going back…

ppp thk 120

Description About SIM – Domestic Politics is an Assignment where you explore the concept of the domestic politics and domestic political actors. Estimated Time An estimated 2 hours needed to complete this activity. What is Domestic Politics? Domestic politics is the struggle of who gets what, when, where, how, and why within a country. The…

health mun

Description Your Tasks TASK 1- FOOD LOG You will keep a 3-day food log, where you will record the meals and snacks, along with their nutrients, that you ate throughout each day. You can choose to track this using Cronometer or the provided Word document. Actions This week’s focus: water, sodium, potassium, Vitamin A, Vitamin…

health 115 ha

Description Your Tasks Task 1- Food Log You will keep a 3-day food log, where you will record the meals and snacks, along with their nutrients, that you ate throughout each day. You can choose to track this using Cronometer or the provided Word document. Actions This week’s focus: water, sodium, potassium, Vitamin A, Vitamin…

nutr 115 1

Description Task 1- Food Log You will keep a 3-day food log, where you will record the meals and snacks that you ate, along with their nutrients, throughout each day. You can choose to track this using Cronometer or the provided Word document Actions. This week’s focus: fat, cholesterol, and protein You may record calories…


Description ASSIGNMENT: Create a series of perception checking responses based upon what you read in the Perception Checking reading (found on the page immediately previous to this one) and upon the information provided below. NOTE: You will complete and submit a perception checking statement for all six scenarios. Also, you may submit either a written…

follow the questions ta

Description Welcome to ES 250. Discussion posts will be an important part of this course and each will count toward your total grade. You are expected to treat these posts as brief essays. They should be well-written, spell-checked, and use appropriate grammar/punctuation. Several of my previous students had composed their posts using standard word processing…

Communication 120

Description Part One: As you write your initial post, please think about and respond to both of the prompts below and write in a way that encourages your reader to reflect and be motivated to engage with you in a discussion. Be thorough by supporting your assertions with evidence, making direct reference to course concepts,…

music 111 ja

Description Initial post due by Friday Response posts due by midnight Monday In this course, a discussion is a posting-based platform designed to facilitate student dialog through the sharing of ideas and opinions. Discussion 1 explores three topics and takes place over a one-week period. You will be graded on depth of insight, use of…

Art 140 abd

Description PERSONAL REFLECTION DISCUSSION #2 – The ANCIENT GREEKS 120120 unread replies.142142 replies. READ THE PARAMETERS FIRST, BEFORE YOU WRITE A DISCUSSION. OK kids, what do you think? That’s what I’ll be asking you every few weeks. Your job for this discussion, and for all the rest, is pretty open-ended and I’ll be doing this…