C++ Question

Description Instructions Create a C++ app that displays a checkerboard. Prompt the user for the char to use for light squares. Prompt the user for the char to use for dark squares. Use a two-dimensional array of char to prepare the checkerboard. Your checkerboard should be a square (test and submit with 8 rows and…

Exercise 7: Taco Menu

Description Instructions Start with the Week 8 code on GitHubLinks to an external site., the Taco Shop app. Upgrade this app to charge users for taco fillings. Keep a count of the number of taco fillings selected by the user. Charge $0.75 per filling. Use a constant named COST_PER_FILLING in your code to represent this…

hw 1 number

Description Turn-In Instructions Please show all of your work on paper, tablet, etc. When you are ready to submit, please scan or take take clear photos of your work and upload to Canvas. There are free scanner apps for mobile devices that you can use to scan and compile all of your images into one…

C++ Question

Description Description Instructions Start by cloning the https://github.com/fromlc/a4_animals.git GitHub. Run the code and play this simple guessing game. The human user thinks of an animal, then the computer asks questions and guesses the user’s secret animal. Watch this https://gcccd-edu.zoom.us/rec/share/4KGiEcUOz9Y6RxNxHmabWAteLOQ3vVNfWqObDWuLT_Xe2e8Lv6AOfKQLNLyregX1.p4zWQg4OZnNizmM9?startTime=1697678605000 Modify the starter code to play until the user quits, and to learn new animals. When…

Exercise 11: struct practice

Description Instructions Create a struct named Song with these member variables: string title, string artist, int downloads. Declare a global variable of type Song. Name your variable my_song. In your main() function, initialize the member variables of my_song. Initialize the string members with your favorite song title and the artist. Initialize the downloads member with…