PMGT 520 Unit 11

Description Project Quality Management (100 points) Suburban Homes Construction Project Quality Management Plan (QMP) Prepare a quality management plan using the elements described in the PMBOK 6e (Section for the Suburban Homes Construction Project. Content (90 points) Over the course the semester you’ve become familiar with the project and as part of the overall…

PMGT 520 Unit 7

Description There are 2 parts to this assignment. You can submit two files to the drop box. MS Project (should you have your own license to the software) is not acceptable for completing any part of this assignment. Part 1 Exercise Questions (40 points) Complete exercise questions 1 (5 pts), 3 (5 pts), 5 (10…

HUST Iris Dataset Analysis Questions

Description Please submit a Rmarkdown (word format) report capturing the following: Use the attached Iris Dataset: iris_exams.csv Download iris_exams.csv. Provide at least the following in the report for full credit: (1) Understanding the Data: The structure of the data and a preview of the data. Frequency Distribution. (Frequency Tables & Plots for each variable in…