Discursion board

Description Reflective Discussion: Behind the Beautiful Forevers Reflective Discussion (LO1, LO2, and LO3) Starting with Module One, students will end each module with a reflective discussion of the book for that module. Using the discussion board on D2L, students will be given three open-ended questions. Each student will choose to answer one of these questions…

History Discussion

Description Food is a necessity, not a luxury, especially during times of war. In World War I, most of the 30 million soldiers fighting throughout Europe were farmers. Plus, production of farming machinery was idled while materials were diverted to the war effort. This left a void in food production that the United States stepped…

The life of Confucius

Description A paper on Chinese philosopher Confucius. Do not just give a summary of his life, but take a close look at some aspect of their life and/or legacy. the guidelines for your paper: Four to six pages of double-spaced text (12 pt. font) not including cover and bibliography the person you are writing about…

HIST-1301 Document Analysis

Description Hey, I want a document analysis to be done I will attached some files that are required for this assignment the files mentioned all the things that are needed for this assignment please so watch it. The below one is the question to do. Since colonization, the United States has become synonymous for being…

Discussion and Responses

Description Login to this site https://auth.hacc.edu/cas/login?service=https%3A%2…user – sxb93881pass – Summer2023!Then Go to Brightspace(D2L) Week 2 Discussion Link – https://ehacc.hacc.edu/d2l/le/311842/discussions/t… Then respond to 2 people for Week 2 This is just Response post (for week 4 ) – https://ehacc.hacc.edu/d2l/le/311842/discussions/t…

Final Project Proposal

Description This assignment should follow the Final Project Proposal instructions. Double space please use simple wording https://writingcenter.fas.harvard.edu/tips-organizing-your-essay https://writingcenter.fas.harvard.edu/thesis#:~:text=An%20effective%20thesis%20has%20a%20definable%2C%20arguable%20claim.&text=The%20reader%20would%20react%20to,the%20author%20argues%20this%20claim.%22

Pick one (1) of the following topics. Then, address the corresponding questions/prompts for your selected topic:

Description Instructions Pick one (1) of the following topics. Then, address the corresponding questions/prompts for your selected topic: Option 1: Exploration and Effects on Native Americans Explain what motivated the European world powers to explore the Americas. Describe the economic effects of exploration based on the Colombian exchange. Analyze the effects of exploration on Native…

learning to live with slavery

Description Hi instructions below. Thank you This essay by the historian Nell Irvin Painter examines the psychological aspects of slavery on both blacks and whites, especially children. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/aia/part4/4i3084.html From Painter’s essay, discuss the psychological aspects of slave beatings on the “observer.” How does the black “observer” differ from the white “observer”?

Debate on Ratification

Description Write a newspaper article comparing the federalist and the anti-federalist views on ratification. Include a related visual and a attention-grabbing headline And Write a song or wrap comparing the views of a federalist and the views of an anti-federalist on ratification