Reflective journal Entry

Description The reflective learning journal (RLJ) is a private place (viewed only by the instructor and yourself) for you to discuss personal and professional issues related to leadership and management. The journal entries should read as a running narrative, so please create and save this first entry in a word document so that subsequent entries…

Letter to Legislator: The link between water contamination and breast cancer

Description INTSTRUCTIONS One way to influence health care is to determine which strategies would be appropriate and successful when advocating for or against proposed health policy and legislation. One way to demonstrate activism is to write a professional letter to the legislator who is supporting a specific legislation. Research a legislator and current legislation…

Discussion: Advocating for Legislation in your community

Description “Nurses play critical roles in advocating for policy that impacts patients and the profession, especially when speaking with a united voice on issues that affect nursing practice and health outcomes. Nurses can have a profound influence on health policy by becoming engaged in the policy process on many levels, which includes interpreting, evaluating, and…

Disucssion: Critiquing a Literature Review

Description In this module, you have learned about searching for evidence, mainly primary sources through bibliographic databases. You have reviewed how to use keywords and Boolean operators to narrow your search. Now let us critique a component of a journal article. Within a journal article, there is a section called either “Literature Review” or “Summary…

Discussion Question: Nursing Leadership

Description What is the most pressing professional issue that nursing leadership faces today? Do not use staffing or nurse-patient ratios as the issue to discuss but rather choose one which you and your nursing colleagues can effectively address. Examples of these issues include social determinants of health, structural racism, patient outcomes, legal and ethical issues,…