1300 words DIscussion post


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Please remember to adhere to the required discussion guidelines for each discussion in the course.

For this discussion, you should answer ALL three questions listed below for FULL credit.

Q1. Describe a recent group decision-making and implementation experience in which you were troubled with the final decision or during the implementation of the decision. Reflect on that situation and answer the following questions, 1), 2), 3), 4) & 5):

1) How effectively did the group discuss the decision or the implementation actions?

2) Did you participate in these discussions? Why or why not?

3) Did you express agreement or disagreement with any part of these discussions? Did you remain silent? If so, why?

4) How did your actions contribute to the group selecting the final decision?

5) If you could go back in time to the group deliberations, what would you change about your own behavior? How do you believe the group outcomes would differ?

Q2. Meetings can be both a blessing and a curse. Answer the following questions, 1) & 2).

1) Compare and contrast the best meeting and worst meeting you have ever attended. What made it so good? Identify at least two major characteristics. What made it so bad? Identify at least two major characteristics.

2) For the worst meeting, what could have been done to improve the meeting? Using chaos and complexity theory in the textbook, analyze the situation and provide a solution. Cite the textbook.

Q3. In the textbook, p. 162, there is a “Groupwork-What Is your Decision-Making Style” inventory. After taking this survey, report your results. In your discussion you should answer the following questions, 1) & 2).

1) What is your score? Is your score consistent with how you perceive your decision-making style?

2) Do you use different decision-making styles in different situations? Please explain.

You need to answer Q1, Q2, and Q3 as listed above each question has small questions under it, you need to go through it all, DO DONT USE CHATGBT OR PLAGIARIZE BECAUSE I WILL CHECK FOR THAT IN TURNITIN SO AND WILL REFUND SO PLEASE DO NOT ATTEMPT TO DO IT AND FOLLOW THE WHOLE RUBRIC and USE THE BOOK

After you finish with this answer the following student that I will metntion to you later by following the rubric and guidlince.

Explanation & Answer

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