2 Journal Abstract Listen


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For this week’s assignment, locate a topic(s) that you want to explore further to inform and build toward your final assignment in Session 5. Use the Journal Abstract Template.docx (Word) for formatting your assignment, and note that the final page should be a reflection.

Research three scholarly journal articles on your selected topic of transformational and/or positive psychology. Focus your research criteria on keywords, such as: Positive Psychology, Christian Psychology Scientific Findings, Happiness & Contentment, Strategic Virtues, etc. The articles you select should summarize an actual research study. Articles that summarize research include the following headings: Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion.

The following lists of authors and journals are good choices to use as a basis for your research:

Suggested Authors:

  • John H. Coe
  • Todd W. Hall
  • Christopher Kaczor
  • Martin Seligman

Suggested Journals:

  • Journal of the Scientific Study of Religion
  • Journal of Psychology & Christianity
  • Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care
  • Journal of Psychology & Theology

The CCU library is one place for locating resources:

Format your paper using the template provided, including:

  • A cover and reference page
  • Three journal summaries ¾ to one page in length each
  • A final page, within the body of the paper, integrating how your previous assumptions were challenged or confirmed by the research as well as how the topics relate to Galatians 5:22-23.


    Johnson, E. L. (2010) Psychology & Christianity: Five views (2nd ed.).

    • Chapter 4: A Christian Psychology View (focus on The Promise of Christian Psychology)

    Gruman et al. (2018). Incorporating balance: Challenges and opportunities for positive psychology. Canadian Psychology, 59(1), 54-64. https://search-ebscohost-com.ezproxy.ccu.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=pdh&AN=2017-28265-001&site=eds-live


    Video: The New Era of Positive Psychology: Martin Seligman (23:42)

Explanation & Answer

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