3 dis file


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Research the National Committee of BioEthics (NCBE) Implementing Regulations of the Law of Ethics of Research on Living Creatures in Saudi Arabia.

Select any of the many articles related to your profession or resonate with your student research topic. How could these guidelines be integrated to ensure the researcher’s adherence to these research regulations and protocols?

Choose 1 of your 10 articles you selected and completed the Annotated Bibliography on. Identify information pertaining to ethical assurances or compliance by the researchers in that specific study. This will commonly be located in Chapter 3 Methodology sections regarding Sampling, Data Collection Procedures, Data Analysis Procedures, Ethical Assurances, or Informed Consent.

*If your article is missing any of the ethical standards commonly associated with human subjects research, please identify them in your post!

Common ethical requirements:

1. Right to participation autonomy – participants can quit research participation at any time wiithout repercussion or consequence.

2. Right to privacy – particpants will NOT be identified by name or other personal health information (pseudonyms or numerical coding will preserve the anonymity of participants).

3. Right to be protected from harm (non-maleficence) – researchers take precautions to minimize mental or physical injury or harms and provide contact information to professionals in the case injury does occur.

4. Right to beneficence – assurances that participation in the research will most likely generate benefits (health improvements).

5. Right to be notified of researcher affiliations – notifications of grant funding or business/organization support for the research which could be biasing.

6. Right to know why the participant is being selected for the study.

7. Right to know if the participant is being reimbursed or provided some type of reward for participation.

8. Right to know possible risks or harms from participating in the research study.

9. Right to ask questions before, during, or after participation in the research study with contact information provided.

10. Right to not be tricked or deceived by the researcher.

There are plenty of other ethical considerations, but this should give you a start of things to look for, Dr. Eric

Explanation & Answer

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