4 case scenarios


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This assignment will consist of four essay questions that need approximately 250 words per question. There will be four scenarios and you must be able to cite cases and principles of law. And explain what crimes were committed.

you will have an hour to complete once I send scenarios.

Tom Heartless spent a weekend with his girlfriend Mary Snuggy, drinking alcohol and smoking marijuana at her apartment in Highland Park, New Jersey. While they were together, she passed out and Heartless was unable to awaken her. He returned to his apartment in New Brunswick, leaving her home without obtaining any assistance for her. She died, and the autopsy listed the cause of death as acute alcohol poisoning. Heartless was charged with manslaughter, which is defined as “recklessly causing the death of another person.”

What would be the result of this prosecution? Discuss the principles of law and any cases in support of your answer.

Billy Rover is a 20-year-old Rutgers student who has been dating his 17-year-old girlfriend, Sarah Faithful, for 2 years. One night, at a fraternity party, he meets Farrah Friendly, who told Billy that she was a sophomore. She left out the fact that she was a sophomore in high school, and was 15 years old. Billy and Farrah go to his bedroom, where they begin kissing. Sarah, having decided to surprise Billy that night, arrives and walks in his room to see him and Farrah together on the bed, under the covers. Enraged, Sarah calls the police and reports Billy for statutory rape (knowingly having sexual intercourse with a person under 16, while being more than four years older).

Can he be convicted? Why or why not? Cite cases and principles of law in your answer.

Bob Gentle allegedly killed his mother by strangling her with his hands. He argued that he did so while he was sleepwalking, was unconscious at the time, and that he would never voluntarily harm his mother, whom he loved dearly. The prosecutor asked the court for permission to introduce extensive evidence of Gentle’s fascination with knives and his ownership of military assault weapons, including a machete, which could not possibly have been used to commit the crime. The trial court allowed all of the evidence and Bob Gentle was convicted of murder.

Did the trial court make the right decision? If Bob was telling the truth, did the jury make the right decision?

Pete Pistol is a lawful gun collector who lives in Flemington, New Jersey. Due to a brain injury resulting from a car accident 20 years ago, he suffers from occasional seizures. He takes medication which keeps them

under control. One morning, he told his wife, Marie, that he was going to his garage to clean his guns. Marie handed him his medicine before he left, but she gave him the wrong pills. About an hour later, Pete suffers a seizure while handling his handgun. The gun fires while in his hand, shooting and killing his golden retriever, Rusty. Pete is charged with Animal Cruelty, which makes it a crime to “purposely, knowing, or recklessly cause the unnecessary death of an animal.”

Can Pete be held criminal liable for Rusty’s death? Can Marie? Please discuss the applicable principles of law and cases in support of your conclusion.

Explanation & Answer

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