600 words presentation with slides


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  • This assessment requires you to work in groups to ‘implode’ a media or technology object or artifact that is connected to the weekly themes of week 4 (logistics and borders) or week 5 (the warehouse). Half the groups will present in week 4 and the other half will present in week 5. What, you might ask, does implosion mean? Here’s Joseph Dumit on the term:
    Implosion is a concept whose first dictionary definition is “a violent collapse inward,” as when a star collapses on its own gravity to form a black hole. Analogously, world histories are not just found inside objects, and objects do not “point” to them; in important ways each object is made of imploded histories.Your task is to take the object or artifact you have selected and ask how is the world in “it” and how is “it” in the world. How you answer this and what you consider important is up to you. You might look at things like labour (how and by whom is it made?), professional dimensions (who controls or manages the thing, how and under what rules or authority?), materiality (what’s it made of and how, where do these materials come from), technological (what technologies are involved, who owns them, what are their politics), political (what are its politics, what nations or governing bodies are involved, who regulates and how), economic (is the process a commodity, does it add value, for whom), historical (what are its histories, does it have predecessors, how has it traveled between places or uses), educational (how do we learn about it), bodily (does it connect with living bodies and what does this do it to it or them, how do people feel about it), symbolic (what does it symbolise or mean to people, does this symbolism fit its actual workings, are there myths at play here).
    Your object might be a technology (such as a biometric scanner, a transport management system [week 4]; a data centre, a cooling system, a handheld barcode scanner [week 5]) or it might be an object (a shipping container, a container ship, a rope, a checkpoint queue, a passport [week 4]; a barcode, a QR code, a pick order, any commodity that you have bought online! [week 5]). Your artifact or object can be small (seemingly insignificant), the point is to tease it open and inside you will find that it connects to and implies histories, processes, labor, social relations, knowledge systems and so much more!
    You’re probably wondering how you’re meant to do this. Here are some steps you might take (or adapt, or ignore):
    • Pick an object or artifact that matches the theme of your assigned week.
    • Brainstorm all the things you possibly can about the object. Be exhaustive. Get annoyed and bored. Keep going. Stop.
    • Find gaps and connections. Dig into these. Map them (if you want).
    • Analyse. Decide what things that collapse (or don’t) into your object matter most.
    • Bring theories and concepts to your task. Draw on the readings.
    • Construct a presentation that tells the story of the implosions that make your object.

    Assessment Criteria:

    • Presentation. Engaging, clear, and lively expression.
    • Understanding. Demonstrated understanding of key concepts, topics, and issues from the course and your chosen object.
    • Implosion analysis. Development of an articulate, coherent and effective implosion analysis of your chosen object.
    • Research. Productive engagement with scholarly resources from the course and your own research.
    • Referencing. Accurate and properly presented referencing.

    You are required to give a 10 minute presentation using slides to the class (make sure you script or time your presentation in advance). Please submit to the link immediately below on the day of your tutorial

  • https://labornotes.org/2022/12/comic-tales-inside-…
Explanation & Answer

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