A02 Sales and Cash Receipts – Principles of Accounts I Module #3


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Assignment Instructions

In an accounting system, there are five main components. Each part has a different job and accomplishes a different step in the financial reporting process. The five components are source documents, input devices, information processors, information storage, and output devices. During this Module, we have also focused on the special journals including the sales, cash receipts, purchases, cash payments and general journal.

For this assignment, you have been asked to analyze the sales journal specifically, and create a PowerPoint presentation explaining the process of journalizing, posting to the subsidiary ledger and posting to the general ledger. Be sure to include in your summary, the process for proving the ledgers.

Length/Formatting Instructions

Font 12 point, Times New Roman or Calibri Font
Program/File Type Submit in Word
Attachments Should be pasted into the Word document if possible.
Referencing system

APA referencing system is necessary in assignments, especially material copied from the Internet.

For examples of correct citations, visit the following links:


File Name Lastname_firstname_[Course Code]_M[Module #] Assignment

M3 Assignment Grading Rubric

Your work will be evaluated on the following criteria:

CATEGORY Exemplary Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Unacceptable
Journalizing (20 points) 20 points

The presentation contains a comprehensive overview of the journalizing process.

16 points

The presentation has an adequate overview of the journalizing process, but is not comprehensive.

8 points

The presentation does not include a comprehensive overview of the journalizing process.

0 points

The presentation does not meet the requirements.

Posting to the subsidiary ledger (20 points)

20 points

The presentation contains a comprehensive overview of the posting to the subsidiary ledger process.

16 points

The presentation has an adequate overview of the posting to the subsidiary ledger process, but is not comprehensive.

8 points

The presentation does not include a comprehensive overview of the posting to the subsidiary ledger process.

0 points

The presentation does not meet the requirements.

Posting to the general ledger (20 points)

20 points

The presentation contains a comprehensive overview of the posting to the general ledger process.

16 points

The presentation has an adequate overview of the posting to the general ledger process, but is not comprehensive.

8 points

The presentation does not include a comprehensive overview of the posting to the general ledger process.

0 points

The presentation does not meet the requirements.

Summary (20 points)

20 points

The presentation contains comprehensive summary of the process for proving the ledgers.

16 points

The presentation has an adequate summary of the process for proving the ledgers, but is not comprehensive.

8 points

The presentation does not include a comprehensive summary of the process for proving the ledgers.

0 points

The presentation does not meet the requirements.

Writing Style—Organization, Transitions, Tone (10 points) 10 points

The assignment is written with excellent organization, thoughtful transitions, and the appropriate tone.

8 points

This writing assignment is adequately organized, but has some errors in the transitions or the tone.

4 points

This writing assignment is poorly organized, or it contains ineffective transitions and/or inappropriate tone.

0 points

This writing assignment displays little to no organization or transitions, and/or does not use the appropriate tone.

APA Format—Citations and References (10 points)

10 points

All sources used for quotes and facts are credible and cited, and the references and in-text citations are all properly formatted. Each reference has an in-text citation and in-text citation has a reference.

8 points

All sources used for quotes and facts are credible and cited, but slight errors are present in the format of the in-text citations or references. Or there may be one in-text citation or reference missing.

4 points

Some sources used for quotes and facts are either not credible or there are significant errors in the in-text citations and/or references. Or there are multiple missing in-text citations or references.

0 points

The sources used for quotes and facts are not credible and/or not cited. The in-text citations and/or references are not present.

Explanation & Answer

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