African American Psychology he can pick the film you will to write, use black psychology terms please.


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African American Psychology (PSY01235)

Fall 2023
Mental Health Diagnosis Paper (30%)
Designed to facilitate achievement of Objectives 1–4.
Outside of class, you will watch either Five on the Black Hand Side or Moonlight and be
responsible for analyzing one of the main characters from a Black psychological perspective.
Specifically, you will write a caseconceptualization (4–6 pages singlespaced pages) for one of
the main characters using Myers’ Optimal Theory (refer to Myers & Speight, 2010) and Azibo’s
Nosology (refer to Azibo, 2014). Each section for your mental health diagnosis paper will be 4–6
(singlespaced) pages. That is Part 1 will be 4–6 (singlespaced) pages. And Part 2 will be 4–6
(singlespaced) pages for a total of 8–12 pages. This does not include the title page or the
Reference page. The case conceptualization must include:
Part 1:
1. Title page
2. Thesis/main idea paragraph(s)
3. Background the character you are diagnosing, including the following:
Age, gender, race, information about childhood, familyoforigin structure, parental
relationship quality, occupation/educational information, marriage status, marital
relationship quality, relationship quality with children, relationship quality with peers,
medical conditions, mental health problems, etc.
4. Diagnosis the character as either having optimal OR suboptimal functioning, or some
combination, and rationale for the diagnosis using content from the film you choose.
5. Separate reference page
Part 2:
6. Diagnosis of the character using one, or at most two, of Azibo’s psychological disorders.
Provide rationale.
7. Prescribe a basic treatment (informed by Black psychological concepts/principles) for the
character to help her heal from the psychological disorders described in prompts 4 and 6.
In your final paper, you will incorporate feedback from me (the instructor) and your peers.

Explanation & Answer

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