AH(CD125,Psy150) 2 parts.


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Guidelines for Preschool Observations

Please use professional language, by this I mean don’t refer to the children as kids (those are goats), this will cost you significant points, be sure to use complete sentences, and check your spelling.

  1. Read the text material before you make your observation. Relate it to the concepts you are asked to observe. Be aware of the milestones you are going to look for in the areas of physical development, cognitive/language development, or psychosocial development before you begin.
  1. You must include your textbook as one of your references! At the end of your observations, please follow the APA format to referencing the textbook. Your reference page should not say Works Cited (that is not APA style) it should be titled Reference (centered at the top of the page).

Referencing the Textbook using APA Formatting:

Paris, J., Ricardo, A., & Rymond, D. (2019). Child Growth and Development. Santa Clarita, CA: College of the Canyons, Open Educational Resource.

APA Formatting that I will be looking for:

  • normal 12 point font
  • Text correctly referenced
  • Citations within your observation correctly cited

You will choose only one of the options depending on if you are doing the in-person option or the video option. Please download Option 1 if you are going to do your observation in a real preschool (In-person option). Choose Option 2 if you are doing the Video preschool observations, (if you are unable to visit an actual preschool for this assignment).

**This assignment will remain open for 1 additional week after the due date for late submissions. You can submit late (no need to message me and ask). However, full points will not be available for papers that are not submitted by the original due date. You cannot get an A on a late paper and I tend to be a bit grumpy when I grade late papers, I usually don’t leave comments on late papers. Download this assignment, fill it in the textboxes and submit your finished document. The textboxes will expand as you type in your responses.

Download Preschool In Person Observation Option 1

Download Preschool Video Observation Option 2

PART 2–Discussion – Developmental Disorders and Mental Illness

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This module was all about developmental disorders and mental illness, and particularly how vulnerable those transitioning from adolescence to young adulthood are to experiencing difficulties. I added this module because I think it’s important to know about the factors related to the development of mental illness. However, there is a vast amount of information on this topic, more than I could possibly include within our time frame. For this discussion the goal is once again for all of you to learn from one another.

I’d like you to select any form of developmental disorder or mental illness you’re interested in learning more about and do some research. At what age do symptoms commonly start to become evident? What are some of the early warning signs to look for? What interventions might be implemented to prevent the condition from developing or lessen the negative effects? What treatments have been most successful?

Cite your sources. However, first hand knowledge is also informative. Some of you deal with younger people and probably know a great deal. Feel free to share. Overall, don’t get too detailed. Keep it relatively simple and concise. The idea is to create a quick facts source covering a variety of mental illnesses that is informative and could guide diagnosis and treatment.

Explanation & Answer

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