American lit before 1875 discussion


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Answer each question in complete, 5-7 paragraph essays.

As for all essays in this class, this week’s reply must be 2 complete 5-7 paragraph essays, each with


3-5 body paragraphs that follow the paragraph plan (main idea/cited evidence (a quote from the literature that you mine as you read… and complete with full MLA citation on where you found it)


MLA Works Cited

If you use any outside sources, remember to use only academic sources, so no reliance on study guide sources or Wikipedia.

Remember, too, not to use I–no first person. And if you use a source other than our textbook, make sure to cite it in full MLA format. Reminder: you are not required to use sources other than our textbook.

Each essay should be 250 or more words.


– textbook: Yuzu: The Norton Anthology of American Literature (Package 1: Volumes A and B)

– login: ; pw: Carmeletha31_ (if that pw doesn’t work, try “BigChops28_)

Final Discussion Question #1

Nathaniel Hawthorne was a descendant of the Puritans, and in many of his works, we see Hawthorne discuss and debate the world of the Puritans in ways that seem to challenge the strict tenets of the faith. One often-cited example is his 1832 story “Young Goodman Brown.” Read this story and decide: is Hawthorne creating an accurate picture of the fear that the wilderness inspired in America’s early settlers..particularly in Goodman and Faith? If so, how? If not, why not? As always, use quotes to support your ideas. (worth a possible 20 points).

Final Discussion Question #2

Rebecca Harding Davis is an early voice of Realism, the movement that is often used to chronicle social issues of her day, particularly in her writing “Life in the Iron-Mills,” a great example of how writers could generate social discussion through print journalism in 1861. What are the key elements of her case being made in this writing, and how does she craft her voice to meet the expectations of her middle-class audience, an audience that was growing in size during the 1860s? As always, be specific, and use quotes to support your main ideas.

Explanation & Answer

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