Anatomy Question


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Case Study 1

Fred has been working at the Uptown recreation center. He has been driving across the causeway daily to go home. He is a smoker and has high blood pressure. Today a large truck cuts him off. This wasn’t bad until the truck driver yells out, get a life kid.” This triggered Fred to anger. So Fred decided he had had enough and he decides to tailgate the truck. The causeway police pull him over for reckless driving. He is mad, While being pulled over, he remembers that he has several family members that have made bad choices and are in jail or have been charged with assault. Please help Fred understand:

  • How anger and hostility expression and repression impact health.
  • Help him understand his trigger and risk factors for health.
  • Apply a strategy off anger/hostility regulation to help him.

    Case Study 2

    Sarah has been stressed about her travel plans this summer. She has an internship at an international humanitarian project in France but does not speak French. Sleepless nights are followed by worrying in the day time about getting clearance to travel, raising money, and student work visas. Her hair has started to fall out and her blood pressure is constantly getting too low, causing her to get dizzy. Please describe to Sarah”

    • Types of anxiety and worry and their impact on mind-body health
    • Discuss the steps for reducing anxiety and worry by discussing resources she might tap into to reduce her stress.
    • Develop a brief plan to facilitate stress balance for her.
  • Case Study 3

    Jasmine has not been feeling well emotionally. At the age of 34, she feels trapped in her job. She tries to get up early in the morning but keeps missing her first work shift at the Audubon Zoo. Her parents are elderly and she has been working hard to keep them going despite their many doctors’ appointments, health issues, and financial struggles. Her mom has struggled with depression her entire life and they often talk about how hard it is to calm the worry and despair in their lives. She admits to ruminating for 3 weeks about what she should do to her close friend Angela. Please help Jasmine:

    • Analyze how depression can impact her health
    • Describe why depression continues to rise in her age demographic.
    • Apply strategies for reducing depression helping Jasmine engage her coping resources.
    • Case Study 4

      Malcolm is an 11-year-old who feels like he doesn’t fit in with his classmates. Struggling to find someone to sit with at lunch he starts to question if he is likable. What is wrong with him? he often thinks. Soon his parents notice he has stopped talking about school or friends. They become worried and talk with the principal about the issues and find that Malcolm has started to tease his classmates about their clothes, hair, and parents. He appears confident, but his parents suspect he is compensating for his bad feelings. Help Malcolm by:

      • Describing and applying an identification system for self-esteem, while helping him understand how his actions impact the self-esteem of others.
      • Discuss adaptive and maladaptive self-esteem experiences and provide brief strategies for helping him with self-esteem.
      • 12-point font, Times New Roman
      • Single spaced.
      • APA citation in-text citation where appropriate.
Explanation & Answer

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