Answer three questions in depth with with support for 3 Finance questions.


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Please see attached file and I have added supporting documents or links for each question that is being asked.

Q1. Given current interest rate effects caused by monetary policy (central banks actions), explain the Present and Future Value concepts when measuring the time value of money ?

Illustrate Present Value versus Future Value as it relates to assessing assets and liabilities given interest rate changes.

As interest rise, what happens to the present value of equity and debt valuations, assets, liabilities (think real estate), especially for high tech companies (in estimating future profits over the long run) ?…

What is meant regarding the trade-off between risk vs. return when allocating capital in various asset classes such as treasuries, corporate bonds, equities, convertibles, index / mutual funds, currencies, commodities etc.

Q2. As a CFO, What is the importance of assessing a firm’s breakdown of its respective costs, i.e. fixed versus variable ?

What are the pros & cons of each ? Can the degree of competitiveness of a firm’s product and it’s relevant Price Elasticity of Demand “PED” and Price Elasticity of Supply “PES” provide some insights as to the nature and breakdown of a company’s of cost structure, i.e. fixed versus variable ?

What about the issuance of various fixed income securities, including hybrids such as convertible securities in a rising or declining interest rate environment ?

Q3. What does “Break-Even” (“B/E”) analysis highlight to a CFO ?

Why is it important in assessing and calculating ?

What is it’s salient characteristics ? What can the following formula tells us ?

Formula: Fixed Costs / Price less Variable Costs …….What can “B/E” analysis tells us regarding a firm’s solvency, operating leverage and overall profitability ?

Opine: In general, what do firm’s do to improve their operating sustainability, reduce leverage, and improve their cash flow and profitability which directly impacts their i) market capitalization, ii) access to capital and iii) overall cost of capital ?

Explanation & Answer

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