Application, exercise, problems


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Question 1

Complete Text Page 289 Practice Exercise 3: Dynamic Complexity

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Question 2

Visit the website, and you will find application summaries for past award recipients in the healthcare category. Review one of the award winner’s applications and describe what the organization did to support the core values and concepts.

State the name of your selected award winner

Describe what your award winner did to support any two of the following core values and concepts (note: you just need to describe 2 of the 4 listed below).

Visionary Leadership

Patient Focus

Organizational and Personal Learning

Valuing Staff and Partners

3. Upload your work in a pdf file format

4. No credits will be given by uploading a non-pdf file format.

Question 3

Compute the multifactor productivity measure for an 8 hour day in which the usable output was 653 units, produced by 7 workers who used 534 pounds of materials. Workers have an hourly wage of 23 and material cost is 5.1 per pound. Overhead is 1.6 times labor cost.

The multifactor productivity (units/$) = Blank 1 (round to 4 decimal places)

Question 4

A medical company medical record search firm is contemplating using online software to increase its search productivity. Currently, an average of 40 minutes is needed to do a title search. The researcher’s cost is $2 per minute. Clients are charged a fee of $4000. Company A’s software would reduce the average search time by 10 minutes, at a cost of $3.50 per search. Company B’s software would reduce the average search time by 12 minutes at a cost of $3.60 per search. Which option would have the higher productivity in terms of revenue per dollar of input?

Compute each option’s productivity.

Justify your option selection by comparing each option’s productivity.

Submit your work by uploading a pdf file.

No credits will be given by uploading a non-pdf file.

Question 5

A Company that makes shopping carts for supermarkets and other stores recently purchased some new equipment that reduces A Company that makes shopping carts for supermarkets and other stores recently purchased some new equipment that reduces the labor content of the jobs needed to produce the shopping carts. Prior to buying the new equipment, the company used 6 workers, who produced an average of 81 carts per hour. Workers receive $18 per hour, and machine coast was $48 per hour. With the new equipment, it was possible to transfer one of the workers to another department, and equipment cost increased by $13 per hour while output increased by four carts per hour.

a) Compute the multifactor productivity (MFP) (labor plus equipment) under the Prior to buying the new equipment. The MFP (carts/$) = Blank1 (round to 4 decimal places).

b) Compute the productivity changes between the Prior to and after buying the new equipment. The productivity growth =Blank2 % (round to 2 decimal places).

Question 6


Refer to text chapter 5, Exercise 5.1

Complete your work using a word processor. Save your work in one pdf file.

Your summary should be 500 words or more.

Worth 20 points of your course grade.

Grading Criteria

Submissions will be graded according to the following criteria:

follow the instructions above;

apply Baldridge Performance Excellence Program (BPEP) systems in healthcare

Question 7Instructions:

Watch this week’s Supplemental Learning videos. Answer the following questions.

What is Systems Theory? After watching the video, in your own words and use your own example (other than the video examples) to explain Systems Theory.

Explain System Thinking in your own words. Think of a system (other than the video examples) and explain why you think your system is a System Thinking

Explain Complex System in your own words. Give 2 examples (other than the video examples) of Complex Systems. Explain why you think your examples are complex systems.

Explain System Mapping in your own words. Think of a system (other than the video examples) that a system mapping is a good tool to use.

Explain a Healthcare System in your own words. What makes up a healthcare system? Give an example (other than the video examples).

Do you think a system approach can help to improve a healthcare system? Why or why not? Justify your answer.

Answer and present questions a-f in a logical sequence with question #, statement, and answer.!Am3QdSYGl42khNJg2Q32RAqCj67P-g…!Am3QdSYGl42khNJid-xpC3-sttqArg…!Am3QdSYGl42khNJh-eU9UJFzU0elEg…!Am3QdSYGl42khNJj7B8XwJ20xhaAKA…!Am3QdSYGl42khNJkj4n2sBeOtP5tog…

Explanation & Answer

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