Bernadet nutrition 158 discussion ( I need a discussion and a reply)


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Post Discussion: Chapter 1 and Reply to a Classmate

1919 unread replies.1919 replies.

Watch this video.

Then, post your thoughts (hit the reply button below) on Sport Nutrition and whether or not it applies to the topic in the video. Be very specific and compare to one of the specific topics covered in the video.After your post, reply to at least one of your classmates original post (hit the reply button below their original post). Do not reply to a reply.

20 points for your original post and 10 points for replying to your classmates.

As a reminder on your replies:

10 points for your replies to a classmate original posts, not on a reply they left for another classmate. (Click “Reply” at the bottom of their main post):

Your reply to a classmate must be at least 3 substantial sentences. The items below are example of brief, vague or “throw-away” response statements and will not receive credit. It is okay to include them in addition to your 3 substantial sentences, but not instead of your 3 substantial sentences.

        • Hi David.
        • Nice to meet you.
        • I like your post.
        • Have a good semester.
        • I posted the same thing.
  1. Your replies must be written in proper sentence for with emojis, emoticons, or text abbreviations (e.g. LOL)
  2. Your reply must relate to what they posted, not only what you posted.
  3. Your reply must be respectful, but may disagree.
  4. If you post that you agree, disagree, like, or dislike something in their post, you must state what the item was and why you felt that the way you did.
  5. Vague or short replies will receive very little credit.
  6. Asking a question does not count as one of your 3 sentences, but you may ask a question in addition to your required response
Explanation & Answer

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