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To successfully complete a research project in the field, you’ll need to understand the research of the field, and to analyze and synthesize it. In this assignment, you’ll take the first step by analyzing the research component of articles for a topic of your choice.


You will be using these resources as part of your literature review in Week 7 and to help support a proposed research study of your choosing in Week 9. Note that the assignments in this course build on one another. It is a good idea to look ahead to the assignments in Weeks 5, 7, and 9, and begin to think about a topic you might be interested in researching. This is also a good time to select articles for this assignment that will help support your ideas for the Weeks 7 and 9 assignments. Keep the same topic for your Week 5 assignment, but choose different articles—this will ensure you start work on your Week 7 assignment with enough articles.

Instructions Capella LIBRARY

For example, you might be interested in:

  • Neurobiology of Ecstasy (MDMA) abuse.
  • Progression of reading ability in a child diagnosed with autism.
  • Effectiveness of a new drug to treat depression.

You are not limited to these topics but may choose one of these if you are interested. These are listed to help give you an idea of types of appropriate topics.

Use the Download APA Paper Template [DOCX]to format your paper.

Use the following organization:

  • Introduction:
    • Describe the topic of the paper.
    • Describe the search strategy you used to include: keywords, library databases, and why you chose these.
  • For each article, provide the following:
    • The research method(s) used in the articles reviewed.
    • Key variables in the hypothesis or phenomena of interest.
    • Description of how the hypothesis was supported (or not) and how questions were answered (or not).
    • Determination and explanation of whether the study was (or was not) conducted safely and ethically by the authors.

Paper Requirements

Submit the Analysis of Articles assignment by Sunday of Week 2.

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and grading criteria:

  • Competency 1: Analyze research methods used in the study of biological psychology.
    • Describe which of four research methods were used to analyze a chosen topic.
    • Identify key variables of existing research.
    • Describe how hypotheses were supported or not supported.
  • Competency 3: Apply scholarly research findings to topics in biological psychology.
    • Use appropriate information-gathering techniques to identify peer-reviewed journal articles.
  • Competency 4: Apply theory and scholarly research findings to inform professional and personal ethics, values and behavior.
    • Analyze studies to determine whether they were conducted safely and ethically by the authors.
  • Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for professionals in the field of psychology.
    • Address assignment purpose in a well-organized text, incorporating appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences.
    • Use APA format and style with headings consistently and with few errors.

    Capella LIBRARY

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