Blink the power of thinking without thinking by Malcolm Gladwell – Rough Draft Body 1 Summary and Building an Argument


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Rough Draft Body 1 Summary:

Follow the directions below to create sentences, and then you will put it all together to make body paragraph 1 🙂

To get full credit, you must work through this worksheet, answering all the questions, and then put those sentences together to create your paragraph.

Part A: Use a transition + Write the topic sentence for your summary paragraph.

Review the lecture on writing a summary to help you.

Remember, a topic sentences for a summary requires the following:

Author and book title + action verb + author’s thesis or big idea in chapters 3,4,5

Example: In his book Michael Dell turns the PC World Inside Out, Andrew E. Serwer claims that Dell’s low-cost, direct-sales strategy and high quality standards account for Dell’s enormous success.

Action Verbs:



refute the claim





argue against










Write your topic sentence here:

Part B: Briefly discuss major ideas in the 3 chapters

Caution: Do not copy phrases or sentences. Instead, use your own words.

Avoid unnecessary words like “This chapter discussed…” “I am going to tell you about…”

Let the author speak. Keep yourself out of it. Don’t say anything like this: “To me, the most interesting…” “I was surprised to learn that…” Statements like these indicate a personal RESPONSE. They do not belong in a SUMMARY.

Here’s an outline for summary sentences:

Transition + In chapter 3, write 3 summary sentences capturing big ideas. Write them here:

Transition + In chapter 4, write 3 summary sentences capturing big ideas. Write them here:

Transition + In chapter 5, write 3 summary sentences capturing big ideas. [I know you may not have read chapter 5 yet, so no worries. You can add these two sentences in later. Take a look at your reading logs – take the ideas from those sentences and use sentence combination to create 3 good summary sentences for each chapter 🙂

Part C: Write a concluding sentence that uses a simple transition like in conclusion and then re-states the thesis but in different words.

Write your conclusion sentence here:

Part D: Put your sentences together and write your summary paragraph below:

Building an Argument:

Part 1: Answer the questions below using your idea + a quote in context.

Part 2: Once you post your answers, respond to a groupmate with a minimum of 5 sentences, stating why you agree/disagree with their ideas, ask a question, tell them what they did really well.

Part 1 A: Review the Argument Essay Lecture.

In chapter 3, what is one idea that Gladwell claims is true – this is his argument.

Gladwell’s idea:

Context + quote to support that idea:

In chapter 4, what is one idea that Gladwell claims is true – this is his argument.

Gladwell’s idea:

Context + quote to support that idea:

Part 1B: Now, what might be the counter argument, why might someone disagree with Gladwell?

In chapter 3, how might someone disagree with Gladwell’s idea above? This is a counter argument.

Counter Argument:

Context + quote to support Counter Argument:

In chapter 4, how might someone disagree with Gladwell’s idea above? This is a counter argument.

Counter Argument:

Context + quote to support Counter Argument:

Part 1 C. Finally, how would Gladwell respond or rebut what others might say?

In chapter 3, how might Gladwell respond to the counter argument above to say it is wrong or that he is right? This is a rebuttal.


Context + quote to support rebuttal:

In chapter 4, how might Gladwell respond to the counter argument above to say it is wrong or that he is right? This is a rebuttal.


Context + quote to support rebuttal:

Explanation & Answer

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