Blood and Earth: Chapters 1-3


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In chapters one through three, Bales introduces the topic of his book, which is the connection between contemporary slavery and environmental destruction, and then explores Congo as an example. For this assignment, you will identify three new things that you learned from chapters one to three, two things that you found particularly interesting, and one thing that you still have questions about.

You completed a similar assignment for Module One, Assignment Two. The instructions for that assignment include a model that you may use for this one.

To receive credit for this assignment, students must meet all of the below specifications.

  • Six paragraphs are required—three for things learned, two for things that are interesting, and one for something that you still have questions about.
  • All the things that you learned, things that you found interesting, and the one thing that you still have questions about must come from the assigned chapters, which are chapters one through three. By the end of the assignment, you need to have used at least one example (paragraph) from each of the three assigned chapters. In other words, none of the assigned chapters can be ignored.
  • Identify the chapters used for each thing learned, interested in, and that you still have questions about. You may identify the chapter in the text of the paragraph or in a title for each thing learned, interested in, and that you still have questions about. See the model from Module One, Assignment Two.
  • You are not required to quote the book for this assignment. But if you do, place the quote in quote marks and provide a parenthetical notation at the end of the quote with a page or chapter number.
  • If you quote, remember that quotes typically do not speak for themselves. You should explain their meaning in your own words. This explanation can come before or after you provide the quote.
  • Write in complete sentences. At least six sentences are required for each thing learned, interested in, and that you still have questions about. In other words, each paragraph should be at least six sentences. Quotes count toward your sentence count.
  • Submit your assignment in a Word document. (PDFs not accepted.) Students have free access to Microsoft Office, including Word. To find out more, visit: Clayton State University – Office 365 Features.
  • Use 12-point font and double space your work.
  • Make a good faith effort to edit and proof your work. Consult the Writing Guide. Students may use the first person in this assignment.
  • All material comes from the assigned book. As a reminder, assignments are intended for students to summarize and explain the book for the module. As such, students are only permitted to consult the assigned book to complete the assignments. Students are not allowed to consult outside sources, including (but not limited to) homework help websites, such as Chegg, or books, eBooks, or online sources that provide summaries and analyses of the books, such as LitCharts. Students are not allowed to use AI programs, such as ChatGPT, to complete assignments. Students who violate the student code of conduct regarding academic honesty, including using unauthorized materials and plagiarism, will receive a zero on the assignment and will be submitted to the Office of Community Standards for disciplinary action.
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