BO(EHSM) 3 parts.


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Reading Materials:

  1. Define 5 sources of indoor air pollutants and give an example for each. Explain your example clearly as to why it would cause indoor air pollution.
  1. Describe the three types of indoor air pollutants.
  1. Explain the key differences of OSHA PELs, NIOSH RELs, and ACGIH TLVs.

Multimedia Resources:

  1. Garrett Morgan Video
    1. Who was Garrett Morgan and what did he contribute to our current world? Why was his contribution almost not a part of our history?
  1. Asbestos Video
    1. What is asbestos?
  1. How does it harm humans?
  1. What are its benefits?

Discussion Questions

  1. What are your initial thoughts on the EPA having control over consumer safety for products accessible to citizens of the United States? Are they providing sufficient oversight? Do you agree with the ban/revoke of the ban, given the evidence that consumers have died misusing this product? Explain your reasoning.
  2. Asbestos was widely used in the world, even after health effects from handling asbestos was identified. Should a material that causes harm to individuals, but has such viable qualities to help the world, be used around the country as asbestos was? Can you think of other materials used that pose a health risk but solved a large problem for the public or workers? Is that chemical still being used? Explain your reasoning.
  3. Based on the readings directly from OSHA, they admit that OSHA PELs are outdated and were enacted during a rush to provide limits for the OSH Act. Since that time, its become very difficult to change the ruling on an OSHA PEL. Would you feel safe with the current OSHA PELs regulating your exposures? Were you aware that some PELs are outdated? Given what you read, is OSHA effective in protecting workers from inhalation exposures? Explain your reasoning.
  4. Based on the Garrett Morgan video describing the African-American inventor who created the first Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA), what was most influential to you about the video? Many minority groups are overlooked or have no credibility with the public because of their race, gender, religion, economic class, or sexuality. Have you experienced this in your life? If so, how did you feel?



During this discussion, please choose oneof the questions below and provide a response. Responses should be well thought out, developing your ideas clearly. Please use proper grammar and spelling. Your response is due on Thursday and your reply to classmates is due Sunday.

    1. What are your initial thoughts on the EPA having control over consumer safety for products accessible to citizens of the United States? Are they providing sufficient oversight? Do you agree with the ban/revoke of the ban, given the evidence that consumers have died misusing this product? Explain your reasoning.
    2. Asbestos was widely used in the world, even after health effects from handling asbestos was identified. Should a material that causes harm to individuals, but has such viable qualities to help the world, be used around the country as asbestos was? Can you think of other materials used that pose a health risk but solved a large problem for the public or workers? Is that chemical still being used? Explain your reasoning.
    3. Based on the readings directly from OSHA, they admit that OSHA PELs are outdated and were enacted during a rush to provide limits for the OSH Act. Since that time, its become very difficult to change the ruling on an OSHA PEL. Would you feel safe with the current OSHA PELs regulating your exposures? Were you aware that some PELs are outdated? Given what you read, is OSHA effective in protecting workers from inhalation exposures? Explain your reasoning.
    4. Based on the Garrett Morgan video describing the African-American inventor who created the first Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA), what was most influential to you about the video? Many minority groups are overlooked or have no credibility with the public because of their race, gender, religion, economic class, or sexuality. Have you experienced this in your life? If so, how did you feel?

  1. PART 3–

  2. Weekly Reflections
    : After completing the weekly assignments you will provide a reflection of your week’s learning process. This should include your personal thoughts on the information you learned, any complications or positive aspects of your learning experience. Elaborate on areas that you need to improve and things that led to your success. Grading will be based on the thoroughness of your responses and depth of your reflection, and spelling and grammar. Late assignments will be marked down 5% every week.
Explanation & Answer

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