BUS 4403-01 Business Policy and Strateg


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In this week’s case study, the class will review a fund company that is considering investing into a country for the first time. The class will consider the political and cultural factors that are relevant to making a sound strategic decision.

Reading Assignment

Strategic Management provides a conceptual overview while the case study provides the substantive content for this week’s activity.

Strategic Management, by N. Ritson, pages 90-97. Available directly from the course homepage.

Leadership Skills, by MTD Training, pages 39-46. Available directly from the course homepage.

Pakistan: A Story of Technology, Entrepreneurs and Global Networks, a case study by Sabir, S., Aidrus, T., & Bird, S., pages 1-13. Available as a free download directly from the course homepage.

Discussion Assignment

After studying the Pakistan case study (the ePlanet Ventures fund company), describe the company’s strategic choices. What perceived cultural and political dynamics of Pakistan impact ePlanet’s strategic choice? How has your country’s experience been similar to Pakistan’s experience?

Written Assignment

After reading the case study and other available information carefully, prepare a two page (double-spaced) essay addressing the following questions. When composing your essay, do not simply list the question and provide an answer, but rather compose a narrative essay that responds to the questions.

  • What are the strategic choices available?
  • What are the advantages to investing in businesses operating in Pakistan?
  • What are the disadvantages to investing in businesses operating in Pakistan?
  • What cultural dynamics impact the decision?
  • How is this similar to and different from the political and cultural environment of your home country?

Cite references to material that you use in preparing the essay.

Learning Journal

The Learning Journal is a space where you should reflect upon what was learned during the week and how it applies to your daily life and will help you with your life (career) goals. For this week’s reflection, please write an essay of complete and well composed paragraphs (200 word minimum for the entire essay) where you identify a workplace or social organization you are familiar with and describe the organization’s culture. How does the culture of the organization affect the way it makes decisions?

Explanation & Answer

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