Business Strategy Game


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I am in need of a Strong Subject Matter Expert (tutor); specifically in the Business Strategy Game simulation project. This course will cover material over the next 8 weeks. First assignment is for PY11 and I will provide login credentials for the site. My ideal tutor will need to reside locally in the US, Virginia to be specific, unless the tutor can block “login location” on the website. Ideally, I will use the same SME multiply times over the stretch of eight weeks, provided all material content is of sound quality, as I will be competing against other teams. Please review the below (Participants Guide) hyperlink to familiarize yourself with the course content. PY11 is due by 10/30/23. Again, I need a tutor with BSG experience, as the tutor will represent my entire team of three to complete all assignments. I will appoint the tutor that best meets my criteria when filtering through tutors. Lastly, the tutor must be skilled in English context and not Britain.

For our business simulation project, you, along with two of your classmates, will take on the role of running a footwear company! As company managers, you’ll be tasked with making well-informed business decisions, a task that encompasses a diverse range of knowledge areas, including finance, accounting, marketing, supply chain, operations, and management. Essentially, this project serves as a capstone experience, drawing on your understanding of various business disciplines.

In this simulation, your decision-making responsibilities extend beyond just making smart business decisions for your company. You’ll also need to consider competitive industry-level decisions. This game is all about strategy, requiring thoughtful planning not only for your own company but also in response to the actions of your competitors. We’ll refer to this simulation as the Business Strategy Game, or simply “BSG” for short. While there are several business simulations available, I can confidently say that this is among the best. The platform is user-friendly, covers all major aspects of business, and truly represents a competitive challenge. I hope you find the experience enjoyable; most students tend to do so. However, I want to be transparent – it comes with a steep learning curve and demands a substantial time commitment upfront. It may seem daunting at first, but we’ll take it one step at a time to help you acclimate to the platform. Additionally, we will incorporate two practice rounds within the game to facilitate your learning and navigation before the actual industry competition begins (and counts toward your final grade).

Throughout the semester, you will work closely with your team, comprised of three members, on the BSG, case analysis assignments, and the term paper. It’s crucial to ensure that your team members are willing to collaborate in a way that aligns with your preferences. While I’ve observed that the most successful groups often meet together and utilize video conferencing to enhance productivity, some teams may prefer a more independent approach. I respect your team’s decisions in this regard. I also understand that many of you work full-time and have other life commitments. I will make every effort to ensure this course aligns with your schedule, but it’s vital that you communicate openly and honestly with your team to ensure compatibility from the outset. I encourage you to select your teams thoughtfully to ensure that schedules are compatible. Your success in this project depends on your collaboration.For our business simulation project, you, along with two of your classmates, will take on the role of running a footwear company! As company managers, you’ll be tasked with making well-informed business decisions, a task that encompasses a diverse range of knowledge areas, including finance, accounting, marketing, supply chain, operations, and management. Essentially, this project serves as a capstone experience, drawing on your understanding of various business disciplines.

Explanation & Answer

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