Business task


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  1. Select a company (domestic or international) that will be the basis for your research.
  2. Research the company’s record in the area of CSR. Be sure to look at both their domestic as well as international reputation.
  3. Design an infographic that visually communicates your responses to the bullet points below.
    1. The business you selected (their product, location, and any other relevant information).
    2. According to your research, how does the company rank with regard to CSR? Be sure to provide a source for this ranking.
    3. Describe specific examples of corporate actions that resulted in this company’s ranking.

Tips on Designing an Infographic

An information graphic (infographic) is a visual representation of a data set or instructive material. Infographics take a large amount of information in text (or numerical form) and then condense it into a combination of images and text highlights. This modern data transformation technique allows viewers to quickly grasp essential insights about a specific subject. Review this

Hello I am working in Professional Assignment and the attached the instruction and question below

Note : 1- no any answer should be from any answer from website like ( study pool or course hero)or any other website or artificial intelligence should be from articles this home work submit to check Turnitin and AI contact detector ( AI Text Classifier) found any thing get zero grade

Note 2- provide me in separate file included the of pages for all articles the use it answer the question and put behind each link the number of pages of this article the use it in answer the question

  1. Select a company (domestic or international) that will be the basis for your research.
  2. Research the company’s record in the area of CSR. Be sure to look at both their domestic as well as international reputation.
  3. Design an infographic that visually communicates your responses to the bullet points below.
    1. The business you selected (their product, location, and any other relevant information).
    2. According to your research, how does the company rank with regard to CSR? Be sure to provide a source for this ranking.
    3. Describe specific examples of corporate actions that resulted in this company’s ranking.

Tips on Designing an Infographic

An information graphic (infographic) is a visual representation of a data set or instructive material. Infographics take a large amount of information in text (or numerical form) and then condense it into a combination of images and text highlights. This modern data transformation technique allows viewers to quickly grasp essential insights about a specific subject. Review this

Hello I am working in Professional Assignment and the attached the instruction and question below

Note : 1- no any answer should be from any answer from website like ( study pool or course hero)or any other website or artificial intelligence should be from articles this home work submit to check Turnitin and AI contact detector ( AI Text Classifier) found any thing get zero grade

Note 2- provide me in separate file included the of pages for all articles the use it answer the question and put behind each link the number of pages of this article the use it in answer the question

Explanation & Answer

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