Career Interest Presentation


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Week 4 Presentation:

Use resources from Weeks 1 – 3 for this assignment. From the list below, answer the following questions in your PowerPoint presentation. This presentation should be no less than ten – twelve slides, not including title and Reference slide. Your presentation should include graphics, as well as utilizing the Note portion of the PowerPoint template. There are several YouTube tutorials available to help guide you through this presentation, e.g. PowerPoint 2016 Tutorial – A Complete Tutorial on Using PowerPoint

Your presentation should include the following subsets of psychology: Developmental, Personality, Learning/Memory and Psychopathology, BioPsychology and Perception Psychology.

The following questions should be substantively addressed and answered.

  • What is your current interest in each of the above subfields of psychology covered thus far?
  • How can one utilize a degree in each of these fields of psychology?
  • What should your undergraduate degree plan be for the field that interests you the most?
  • Will you need to go to Graduate School to pursue these careers?
  • What surprised you the most about each of these fields?
  • Thinking about the career field that interests you the most, what do you believe you will have to improve upon to meet or exceed expectations?
  • The last two – four slides of your presentation should substantively summarize what you found most interesting while completing this assignment and at least one element you learned during this assignment of which you can benefit in knowing more.

Your presentation should include:

  1. Title Slide
  2. Body of slides, with Note Portions (8-10 slides)
  3. Conclusion/Summary, with Note Portions (2-4 slides)
  4. Reference Slide (at least three APA academic references)

IMPORTANT: You MUST utilize the Note portion of the PowerPoint. Each slide should have at least one substantive paragraph, e.g. five- seven sentences regarding what you have highlighted on the slides. The Note portion is worth a significant amount of points for this assignment.

Once you have completed the above assignment, save as a .pptx file and upload to the assignment link for Week 4.

Explanation & Answer

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