Case Analysis


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Write a case analysis following the outline and other material provided. Chicago format, use endnotes. (Main transformations you should talk about is CRM,LMS,SCM. Specify vendors when you talk about what you’re using to digitally transform.)

Using the provided “SMB Case” material plus additional information that you have researched, write a Case Analysis that provides a solidly considered IT/IS digital transformation strategy recommendation to Janice (Senior Director of IT) that will help accelerate the growth of the business by improving the efficiency and effectiveness of marketing, sales, inventory, and accounting functions. As you consider the elements of the case, think about the implications of the Digital Ecosystem Model as well as the IT Portfolio Model. These are your tools to make sure all relevant bases/topics are covered appropriately. The market opportunity is good so there is growing competition in the region from other larger, more technically savvy companies. You may want to do research to see what other industrial distributors are doing to stay competitive.

NB: You are writing this analysis for Janice (not me). As with all business writing, assume other people in the organization not directly addressed on the cover page may read your analysis. Be very careful what you say and how you say it. In this instance, assume all the senior executives will read your analysis.

NB: You are not a student writing a class paper/report – You are the IT person at RSIP. Just like Jim Barton in Adventures of an IT Leader, you need to think about both the Technical and Business issues of a Digital Transformation in a company.

Case Tips/Guidance Notes

1. Executive Summary: Four to five sentences on the cover page summarizing your
analysis. An Executive Summary’s goal is to make your reader want to read the
analysis. [Do not write: “I will cover….”, “This report will cover” or anything
similar. Do not write that your analysis will be “through”, “exhaustive”, “in-
depth” or anything similar. Let your reader decide.]
2. Introduction: Start by identifying/summarizing relevant information that
provides context/background to the issue(s) to be addressed in the case.
3. Functions: Identify the Functions/processes to be Transformed and how they are
4. Function Name: Name the Function and provide relevant background.
5. Analysis: Discuss the elements requiring redesign. (There may be multiple
activities/processes) Provide a requirement specification in the form of a table
for each. Do not name a specific vendor by name.
6. Solution: Identify the required technology(s) required. (e.g., CRM) and what it
will do to improve the Function/Process. Do not name a specific vendor by name.
7. Benefit: Prove the Value. Benefits must be quantified and cited. Amplify with
8. Note: Repeat 4, 5,6, and 7 for each major processes that is part of the Digital
Transform proposed.

9. Software Options: Compare 3-4 potential solutions in a Table. Requirement
Specifications on the left specific solutions (e.g. Dynamics, Salesforce…) across
the top. Do not do Pro/Con
10. Hardware Options: Compare 3-4 potential solutions in a Table. Requirement
Specifications on the left specific solutions across the top. Do not do Pro/Con
11. Data: What are the major data types and issues that will be encountered. Specify
a solution.
12. Infrastructure: High level simplified Infrastructure diagram showing the major
parts of the required to solution. (The detailed diagrams go in the appendix.)
13. People: Change management requires managing the people aspect. What are the
issues? What are the suggested solutions?
14. Risks/Mitigation: Do this for all 3 to 5 Risks Identified
15. Timeline: A Timeline is a line with time and actions on it. Use a GANTT, PERT or a
graphic for your timeline. [Do Not write it out.]
16. Three Year Budget Summary: Summary Table. Put the detailed budget in the
Appendix. Do not break Tables across page boundaries.
17. Conclusion: The Conclusion is your chance to have the last word on the subject.
It is the place to demonstrate the importance of your ideas, and to propel your
reader to a new view of the subject. You should make a relevant observation. A
conclusion should help your readers see why your analysis and information
should matter to them after they put the paper down.
18. HQ/Warehouse Infrastructure: Show Infrastructure elements in detail. The
Network Diagrams must be complete enough so a third party (e.g., Network VAR)
could use them to implement a workable solution. Use the symbols provided at
the end of the case document plus any other standard ‘Cisco’ network
icons/symbols as required.
19. Remote Offices: Show Infrastructure elements in detail. Construct a diagram.
20. Salespeople on the Road: Show Infrastructure elements in detail. Construct a

Explanation & Answer

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