CHFD308 Week 2 Discussion II


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Classmate #1:

Hello class,

Socioeconomic status is a concept that affects overall human function and it can affect our mental and physical well-being. Socioeconomic status can be split between higher socioeconomic status and lower socioeconomic status. To begin, families with higher SES levels typically have more financial resources, giving them access to facilities for recreation, quality housing, healthcare, and education. By giving parents and kids a more secure and encouraging environment, these services help improve family functioning. On the other hand, having a low socioeconomic status has many negatives that can affect a family’s functions. To be specific, having a low socioeconomic status can be directly correlated to having less available resources. According to Socioeconomic Status, Family Processes, and Individual Development, “…reduced employment opportunities, and fewer resources to help family members pursue their educational goals” (Conger, 2010). This means that families that suffer from unemployment can be characterized by low socioeconomic status. As a result of this characterization, individuals that fall within these constraints will have less available resources. These resources range from less education opportunities, lower education achievement, poor physical health, and poverty.

Different cultural values can affect how parents raise their children, how they make decisions, and how well their children are treated in general. An example of this is, cultures that place a strong emphasis on collectivism may place a higher priority on family structure than cultures that place a higher value on independence. These cultural beliefs may influence how parents and children interact, how they are disciplined, and how they socialize, which will affect family functions. Another factor that affects the overall well-being of children and the family is public policy. Family functioning may be strongly impacted by policies relating to work, social welfare, healthcare, and education. Positive family outcomes can be influenced by effective public policies that guarantee access to reasonably priced healthcare, high-quality education, parental leave, and child welfare programs. By lowering stressors, alleviating socioeconomic inequalities, and improving general wellbeing, these measures can help families. In contrast, weak social safety nets, restricted access to resources, and inequality can have a negative impact on children’s well-being and family dynamics.


Conger RD, Conger KJ, Martin MJ. Socioeconomic Status, Family Processes, and Individual Development. J Marriage Fam. 2010 Jun;72(3):685-704. doi: 10.1111/j.1741-3737.2010.00725.x. PMID: 20676350; PMCID: PMC2910915.

Classmate #2:

Hello Class,

I hope that everyone is enjoying their week so far. When we discuss how socioeconomic statues determine our family functioning it can overall affect a family’s quality of life and physical and psychological well-being. Evidence indicates that socioeconomic status affects family stability, including parenting practices and developmental outcomes for children (Trickett, Aber, Carlson, & Cicchetti, 1991). Socioeconomic status is a key factor in the quality of life for families, children and youth. Research dating back to the depression years of the 1930s has confirmed that families often suffer when faced with economic hardship or low SES (e.g., Angell 1936). Socioeconomic status can impact all families from different backgrounds for example race and gender continues to have an influence on the lives of individual’s and their families regarding economic circumstances. Cultural values play an important role in the lives of many children and adolescents.

Cultural values can have an influence on the well-being of families and their children with these beliefs being taught from one generation to another. Cultural values play an important role in families and the well-being of their children because they give them a sense of identity and belonging. Public policies are needed to assist families with access that will promote equality and allow them to get the services that are needed for their well-being or overall health. Public policies can have a positive outcome by assisting those families that are in need and are struggling just to afford the necessities in everyday life. Public policies can assist those families that need housing, food, or who are struggling with domestic violence issues.


American Psychological Association. (n.d.). Children, youth, families and socioeconomic status. American Psychological Association.

Angell, R. C. (1936). The family encounters the depression.

The effects of family culture on Family Foundations. Council on Foundations. (2022, May 31).

Classmate #3:

Greetings Class and Professor,

Although some may not see it as a factor in how a family functions a family’s socioeconomic status plays a crucial role in determining family functioning, this is because it influences various aspects of the family like health, education, and overall well-being of each individual within the family. it is no surprise to anyone that families with higher socioeconomic status often have access to better educational and healthcare resources, enabling them to provide a more nurturing and stable environment for their children. whereas families with lower socioeconomic status usually encounter financial stress, which can lead to emotional strain, reduced parental availability, and even less than optimal living conditions which ultimately will have a negative impacting children’s cognitive and emotional development. In addition to a family’s socioeconomic status, cultural values can intersect with Socioeconomic status to further influence family dynamics. For example, in cultures that prioritize the benefits of the group over the benefits of each individual member within the group, the benefit of an extended family network can often provide additional support, mitigating some challenges associated with low Socioeconomic status. In contrast in cultures that are more individualistic in nature, families might be more reliant on external support systems like public services or community organizations. Public policies, in turn, play a significant role in shaping family well-being. Policies that support parental leave, affordable healthcare, and accessible quality education can act as buffers against the negative impacts of low Socioeconomic status. as many of our parents can attest they were “latch-key kids”, because of their parents jobs they had to rely on before/after school programs which ultimately influenced how saw the world and how they raised us.


1. Conger, R. D., Conger, K. J., & Martin, M. J. (2010). Socioeconomic status, family processes, and individual development. Journal of Marriage and Family, 72(3), 685-704.

2. Duncan, G. J., & Magnuson, K. A. (2003). Off with Hollingshead: Socioeconomic resources, parenting, and child development. Socioeconomic status, parenting, and child development, 83-106.

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