Clinical Workplace Program Policies and Plans


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Clinical Workplace Practice Plan – (include both parts listed below– Use title/heading in paper for each part) – Total of 8-12 pages of descriptive content (page count does not include title page or reference list)

Part One – Workplace Programs/Policies – Can be focused on your chosen population group or general population specific programs/policies. (4-6 pages of descriptive content with reference citations as needed) which is going to be Immigrants population– (Mental health, physical health, social issues, language, housing)

This section can include any of the following:

  • Description of the population based programs in place at your workplace, when/why programs were implemented and any known outcomes for improvement of care. Note: (Please keep in mind that I am currently working as a physician assistant in a family medicine clinic)
  • Summary of general policy statements from your work setting for patient care and/or health workers regarding specific populations.
  • Recommendations/guidelines/policies from state, federal, healthcare accreditation organizations, insurance companies, community organizations or other related associations/agencies. Any outside policy/guideline/recommendation needs to have citation/reference listed.

Part Two – Workplace Plan – Develop Plan (for potential future implementation ) describing ways to improve care for your chosen group/population within your current/future clinical practice. (4-6 pages of descriptive content with reference citations as needed).

You have flexibility for how to focus the plan for the chosen population group. It can be for the overall immigrant population, or a specific health care issue for a population within the group which include (Mental health, physical health, social issues, language, housing). The plan must include each the following sections.

  • Description of the problem*
  • Specific goals for improving care
  • Who may need to be involved in the process,
  • Details of what is included in your program
  • How to evaluate improvement to care.

*For the description of the problem, include a referenced discussion concerning why this is an issue for your group/population. This should be based on what was learned from the Review of Letriture section of the paper with a focus on why you selected this particular topic and should be no longer than 1-2 pages.

Reference list – for the Clinical Workplace Practice Plan

Explanation & Answer

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