cognitive yelowing


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Here are some ideas for your post to get you started:Use only one

  • Briefly describe (using no more than 75 words) a classic cognitive psychology experiment and how it is currently relevant. Include a link to a video, a website, or an article that talks about the experiment. Feel free to use a hashtag, such as the name of the experiment.
  • Briefly describe (using no more than 75 words) cognitive psychology theory and how it is currently relevant. Include a link to a video, a website, or an article that talks about the theory. Feel free to use a hashtag, such as the name of the theory.
  • Briefly describe (using no more than 75 words) a part of the brain related to learning. What is it? How does it relate to learning? Include a link to a video, a website, or an article that talks about this part of the brain. Feel free to use a hashtag, such as the part of the brain.
  • Share a link to a scholarly article published within the last five years on cognitive psychology. Using proper citations and references, include a brief summary of the article and how it applies to your life or to your coursework. Feel free to use a hashtag, such as the topic of the article.

Response Guidelines

As you respond to your classmates, share your experiences and anecdotal feedback regarding their posts. How have your personal experiences resonated with their ideas? What can you add to their ideas, building upon the connections you have made to the material so far?

  • Your Writing: Each post should be courteous, succinct, professional, well written and organized, using proper writing mechanics, grammar, and punctuation.
  • Your Post: Please post something to the discussion board related to the content covered this week. Do not create your post as a reply to the pinned post. Instead, use Yellowdig’s Create option to create a new post. Label your post with a hashtag.
  • Responding to Peers: As you respond to your classmates, share your experiences and anecdotal feedback regarding their posts. How have your personal experiences resonated with their ideas? What can you add to their ideas, building upon the connections you have made to the material so far? Consider exploring the features of Yellowdig such as your ability to embed videos and pictures, create polls and videos, use hashtags, love or like a post, and so on.
Explanation & Answer

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