Coming of age Narrative


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Write a coming-of-age story. At the point you write this paper, you will have “consumed” 2 short stories, part of a book, a movie and some theory which address this topic, so you should have a good sense of the themes that are covered in this type of story. Unlike longer works, your story will focus on one single event that has an impact on your main character. The requirements are as follows:

  • The main character between about 12-25 and trying to find his or her place in the world.
  • This character experiences a trial, task, or challenge that helps (or forces) him or her into a new phase of life.
  • The character will gain a new understanding of the world, or his/her place in the world, as a result of the event (this can be a negative change as well).
  • Your main character does not have to be human as long as it is an adolescent of whatever species it belongs to.
  • Some element of both dialogue and narration.
  • 3-8 pages, APA format.


  • Consider which type of narration will be the most and least effective for your story. What advantages would first person have? What advantages would third person have? …I strongly advise against third person objective narration. I strongly advise that you use past tense in your narration.
  • Think about the plotline of your story. What is the inciting incident? Rising action? Climax? Falling Action? Resolution?
  • Consider if your character is believable as an adolescent. Do you adequately show that they are struggling to understand things about life?
  • Reflect on events that have affected your development. Your experience should not limit you, but can serve as inspiration for piece of the story. Ask you friends and family members about their experiences. Here are some questions to think about:
    • What events in your life happened that made you grow up?
    • What were you like when you were a child? What changes did you have when you were a young adult?
    • How did your outlook on life change during this transition?
    • Who inspired you as a child? Did that change when you were an adult?
    • What lessons, morals, and beliefs did you learn?
Explanation & Answer

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