Communication 120


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Part One: As you write your initial post, please think about and respond to both of the prompts below and write in a way that encourages your reader to reflect and be motivated to engage with you in a discussion. Be thorough by supporting your assertions with evidence, making direct reference to course concepts, and using course terminology throughout.

Discussion Questions:

  1. This question has three parts (1A and 1B below AND within part two). The first two parts should be written in your initial post, the third part should be written in your response:
    1. First, view the chart below, find your name and the emotional fallacy that has been assigned to you. Explain what it means AND develop a unique and meaningful example of “your” specific fallacy that you post to this discussion (this could be an example from your own life, a movie or TV show, etcetera, it just has to make the fallacy “come to life”). NOTE: Draw information from this week’s readings, NOT from Google (or AI).
    2. Second, discuss what can be done to be more mindful of these fallacies, especially when they are operating in your own thinking. Emotional fallacies are similar to the tendencies in perception in that we all experience them; the key is learning to become aware of them and to own them so you can manage them.
    3. Perfection Rand, Maddie, Baylee, Madelyn
      Causation Khaled, Shakir, James, Rebecca
      Catastrophic Expectations Jordyn, Julianne, Bridget, John
      Helplessness Lamiya, Margem, Jasmine, Kayla
      Approval Jayden, Leo, Lily, Eevin
      Overgeneralization Kelsey, Hannah, Elisa
      Shoulds Christopher, Sandra, Jaylyn
  2. Think of a time when you experienced debilitative emotions and give a brief summary of that situation. What conditions influenced (or “caused”) those emotions? If you could go back in time, which communicative tools suggested in the reading would you use to minimize those emotions? Make sure your response shows a clear understanding of what debilitative emotions are and what causes them (HINT: this links back to emotional fallacies).

OPTIONAL QUESTION (if you choose to do it, I’ll be interested to read about it!)

Choose three people in your life to whom you wish to express gratitude and/or appreciation. Take some time to draft out these messages of appreciation before you express them using the following adaptation of the DESC script: “When I saw/heard ____, I felt ____ because____.” For example, “When you put your arm around my shoulder at the funeral, I felt very appreciative because I really needed some comfort in that moment.” Or, “When I saw that it was you calling, I got really excited because I have been looking forward to talking to you all day!” Or, “When I read what you wrote (in the sympathy card), I was really touched by your words – they really captured what I was feeling.” Once you have expressed these sentiments to folks in your life, take some time to write about what happened. How did you feel doing this? How did the other person respond? In what way do you think you impacted this person? Any other thoughts about this activity you wish to share?

Part Two: Engage in a discussion with the classmates in your discussion group by choosing any two classmates from the chart above who were assigned a fallacy different from your own, read their post and comment on the following: did this example help you understand the fallacy/can you relate?, do their suggestions for being more mindful seem practical/useful?, do you have other suggestions for being mindful of these tendencies?

Explanation & Answer

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