Communication Channles Section on Marketing Strategies Template


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Whether traditional or online, marketing communications channels are used to attract buyers and increase customer loyalty. Different channels are used for different reasons, such as for reaching specific customer segments or for their functionality. Marketing teams must analyze various communication channels to determine the best fit for their product or service. Within the marketing plan, teams must identify the channels that can be used to convey key messages.


Using your selected business from the previous assessments, complete the Marketing Communications Channels section of the Strategic Marketing Plan Template as follows:

  • Select and identify at least 5 marketing communication channels that could be used to reach selected audiences that are fit for your chosen business. These should include online and traditional communication channels to convey key messages.
  • Determine the advantages and disadvantages of each selection.

Support with research. Demonstrate that you are learning from the course by accessing, performing, and applying the course resources and other credible sources.

This week you will complete your strategic marketing plan for your selected business by identifying customer segments, developing an implementation plan, evaluating communication channels, and determining metrics. You will submit all 3 parts of your strategic marketing plan you have worked on in this course in 1 document.

Access the Strategic Marketing Plan Template that you submitted in Week 4 that contains your completed information for Parts A and B.

Review your faculty member’s feedback on your Wk 4 – Apply: Summative Assessment: Part B: Strategic Marketing Plan assignment and incorporate feedback into your plan.

Complete Wk 6 – Part C: Market Strategy, Marketing Channels, Implementation, and Monitoring of the Strategic Marketing Plan in the same document that contains your completed Parts A and B.

Submit your Strategic Marketing Plan Template that contains completed information for Parts A, B, and C.

Professor Feedback

Did you explain to the audience what the table is about?

Replace the instructions with narration. Describe what the table is about, including defining “Internal Data.”

Defining terms using concepts from the course materials will help you establish credibility and determine how to fill in the blanks. Demonstrate that you know the language of marketing

Explanation & Answer

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