communication strategy


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incorporating feedback as necessary, submit the discrimination
communication strategy for the Milestone Three scenario. For the
discrimination communication strategy, select either a defensive or
offensive communication strategy, or you may choose to select an
approach that utilizes a combination of these strategies. Your strategy
will depend on the nature of the message along with the target audience.

For the assignment, the following critical elements must be addressed:

Communication Context: Provide an overview of the scenario that your
communication strategy will address, in the context of the company you
have selected for your final project.

Communication Need: Considering both internal and external audiences,
explain the stakeholder management issue(s) that must be addressed due
to this scenario. What specifically caused the need for the identified

Internal Communication: a) Explain the type of internal communication
and the purpose for the internal communication that you have chosen
(i.e., informational, educational, and/or persuasive). Detail your
process for selecting the type of communication that will address the
scenario. Provide justification as to why the chosen strategy is
appropriate for the scenario. b) Identify the intended target audience
for the internal communication, and then explain why they have been
selected as the target audience. Provide justification for selecting the
identified target audience. c) Develop a draft communication that could
be sent to the identified internal target audience addressing this
scenario. Ensure that the appropriate tone and message are communicated
in your draft communication.

External Communication: a) Explain the type of external communication
and the purpose for the external communication that you have chosen
(i.e., informational, educational, and/or persuasive). Detail your
process for selecting the type of communication that will address the
scenario. Provide justification as to why the chosen strategy is
appropriate for the scenario. b) Identify the intended target audience
for the external communication, and then explain why they have been
selected as the target audience. Provide justification for selecting the
identified target audience. c) Develop a draft communication that could
be sent to the identified external target audience addressing this
scenario. Ensure that the appropriate tone and message are communicated
in your draft communication.

Conditions Communication Strategy: Summarize the communication strategy
utilized to address this scenario. Why was it the best approach for
this scenario? What alternative strategies did you consider, and why was
your approach the best option? Provide justification to support your
communication strategy.

Guidelines for Submission: Double-spaced Word document, 12-point Times
New Roman font, one-inch margins, APA format. Page length requirements:
3–5 pages, not including title page and references.

Explanation & Answer

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