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Ministry of Health ICT Challenges (105 points)

Evaluate one of the ICT challenges identified by the Ministry of Health listed below. Describe the eHealth ICT challenge you select and research the leadership required to achieve Vision 2030 objectives that will deliver good health and well-being. Technology challenges include the availability of services and support, the different levels of eHealth maturity, standardization, connectivity, and clinical collaboration. The MOH developed the vision for eHealth by supporting care for patients, connecting providers at all levels, and measuring medical error reporting and patient experience reporting in the MOH effort to transform the Saudi health system. The MOH states that the eHealth /ICT strategy is to achieve “A safe, quality health system, based on patient-centric care guided by standards, enabled by eHealth”(Alymeni, 2013).

* Consistency and quality in health care services and facilities

* Availability and continuity of services across a very broad and diverse geography

* Access to current, comprehensive, and accurate patient information at the point of care

* Standard reporting from regions and facilities to plan, manage, and detect trends

* Collaboration with other sectors that provide Health Services to patients

* Recruiting, training, and retaining professionals and top talent

* Managing and planning health services for an increasing number of visitors, and managing the risk of infectious disease during the Hajj (and Umrah)

* Addressing issues faced by our health system and care providers such as increasing motor vehicle accidents and chronic disease

Outline for the written assignment:

* Introduction

* HIS Innovations in Saudi Arabia

* Equitable care standards

* Governance and accountability

* Quality and performance

* Drivers of ICT Success

* Conclusion


* Your paper should be four to five pages in length, not including the title and reference pages.

* You must include a minimum of four credible sources. Use the Saudi Electronic Digital Library to find your resources.

* Your paper must follow Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines, as appropriate.

* You are strongly encouraged to submit all assignments to the Turnitin Originality Check prior to submitting them to your instructor for grading. If you are unsure how to submit an assignment to the Originality Check tool, review the Turnitin Originality Check Student Guide.

Explanation & Answer

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