Current Medication Study


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Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePatient Overview

18 pts

Meets or Exceeds Expectations

Accurately identifies demographic data, past health history. Medical diagnosis: identifies 2 priority nursing judgments

13.68 pts

Mostly Meets Expectations

Does not accurately Identify demographic data, past health history. Medical diagnosis: identifies 2 nursing judgments

9 pts

Approaches Expectations

Vaguely identifies demographic data, past health history. Medical diagnosis: identifies 1 priority nursing judgment

4.5 pts

Does Not Meet Expectations

Does not identify demographic data, past health history. Medical diagnosis: identifies 1 priority nursing judgment

18 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMedication Overview (Select One Medication)

18 pts

Meets or Exceeds Expectations

Includes medication, classification and most indications, recommended dosing guidelines, administration routes, side effects and contra indications included

13.68 pts

Mostly Meets Expectations

Includes medication, classification and most indications, recommended dosing guidelines, administration routes, side effects and contra indications included

9 pts

Approaches Expectations

Includes medication, classification and most indications, recommended dosing guidelines, administration routes, side effects and contra indications included

4.5 pts

Does Not Meet Expectations

Includes medication, classification and most indications, recommended dosing guidelines, administration routes, side effects and contra indications included

18 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeNursing Implications

18 pts

Meets or Exceeds Expectations

Discusses 10 or more interventions for administration monitoring and effectiveness of medication

13.68 pts

Mostly Meets Expectations

Discusses 8-10 interventions for administration monitoring and effectiveness of medication

9 pts

Approaches Expectations

Discusses 6-8 interventions for administration monitoring and effectiveness of medication

4.5 pts

Does Not Meet Expectations

Discusses 1-5 interventions for administration monitoring and effectiveness of medication

18 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePatient Education Plan

18 pts

Meets or Exceeds Expectations

Develops a complete pertinent medication teaching plan including learning needs, educational goals, and learning outcomes

13.68 pts

Mostly Meets Expectations

Develops a somewhat complete pertinent medication teaching plan including learning needs, educational goals, and learning outcomes

9 pts

Approaches Expectations

Develops a safe but not complete pertinent medication teaching plan including learning needs, educational goals, and learning outcomes

4.5 pts

Does Not Meet Expectations

Develops a unsafe, incomplete medication teaching plan including learning needs, educational goals, and learning outcomes

18 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAssignment

18 pts

Meets or Exceeds Expectations

Meets the following criteria 100%: typed APA format, correct grammar, spelling; maximum 3 pages body of paper; minimum 3 references

13.68 pts

Mostly Meets Expectations

Meets the following criteria 75%: typed APA format, correct grammar, spelling; maximum 3 pages body of paper; minimum 3 references

9 pts

Approaches Expectations

Meets the following criteria 50%: typed APA format, correct grammar, spelling; maximum 3 pages body of paper; minimum 3 references

4.5 pts

Does Not Meet Expectations

Meets the following criteria 25%: typed APA format, correct grammar, spelling; maximum 3 pages body of paper; minimum 3 references

18 pts

Total Points: 90

Explanation & Answer

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