Diet analysis of a 30 year old female


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Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to learn how to analyze a 3-day diet and compare the intakes to the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs). Your paper should follow the following format: double spaces, 10- or 12-point standard type font (examples: Arial or Times New Roman), and 2 to 3 pages in length (excluding table).

Instructions: Choose ONE 3-day diet to analyze (Diet A 10-year-old male.pdf, Download Diet A 10-year-old male.pdf,Diet B 30-year-old female.pdf, Download Diet B 30-year-old female.pdf,Diet C 65-year-old male.pdf) Download Diet C 65-year-old male.pdf).

Enter the example person’s 3-day food intake into MindTap’s Diet & Wellness Plus+ (a diet analysis program–green apple icon on the right vertical toolbar in MindTap). Be sure to carefully enter each item and its serving size. Choose items that most closely match the items listed.

View the “Intake vs. Goals” report for each day AND the “3-Day Average” report. Use the information to complete this table: Diet Analysis Table.docx Download Diet Analysis Table.docxDiet Analysis Table.pdf Download Diet Analysis Table.pdfBe sure to select the correct corresponding date ranges. Analyze the person’s 3-day intake by comparing their intake to their DRIs. Any percentage below 80 % is considered a nutrient deficiency; any percentage above 120 % is considered a nutrient excess. (Note: You may have to adjust your margins to a “narrow” setting of 0.5” on all sides to make the table fit.)

Discuss each nutrient deficiency and excess and identify specific foods (not dietary supplements) to improve intake. It is optional to discuss caffeine and/or alcohol–see textbook regarding recommendations. (You may find it helpful to use the “MyPlate Analysis” report in Diet & Wellness+).

Address whether or not their physical activity should increase, decrease, or remain the same (explain why). Provide at least 1 practical suggestion for improving or maintaining their physical activity.

This assignment must be submitted as a Word or pdf document in Canvas.

To summarize, the following steps should be completed:

  1. Choose a diet to analyze (Diet A .pdf, Download Diet A .pdf,Diet B.pdf, Download Diet B.pdf,Diet C.pdf Download Diet C.pdf).
  2. Analyze the diet using Diet & Wellness Plus+ (in MindTap).
  3. Fill in the attached table Diet Analysis Table.docx Download Diet Analysis Table.docxDiet Analysis Table.pdf Download Diet Analysis Table.pdfwith the results and compare the results to the DRIs for your example person.
  4. Discuss all nutrient excesses (greater than 120 % DRI) and deficiencies (less than 80 % DRI).
  5. Create a plan for the individual to improve their intakes, helping them to better meet the DRIs. Include specific foods they may consume/reduce to improve nutrient deficiencies/excesses.
  6. Address whether or not their physical activity should increase, decrease, or remain the same (explain why). Provide at least 1 practical suggestion for improvement or maintenance.
  7. Please review the grading rubric below before completing this assignment.
  8. Click here to see an example of this assignment. (This example is simply a guide. DO NOT copy or paraphrase this example assignment):
  9. Diet Analysis Example Paper.pdf

Explanation & Answer

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