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Reflective Discussion: Behind the Beautiful Forevers

Reflective Discussion (LO1, LO2, and LO3)

Starting with Module One, students will end each module with a reflective discussion of the book for that module. Using the discussion board on D2L, students will be given three open-ended questions. Each student will choose to answer one of these questions and then respond to the post of a fellow student. Students will have two days to make their initial posts and two days to respond to a fellow student. See the schedule below for the specific deadlines. The discussion board will open with the module, so students may make their initial posts and response posts before the abovementioned deadlines.

There are four reflective discussions worth 10 points each. The lowest discussion grade will be dropped for a total of 30 points.

The specifications are below. As long as students meet the specifications by the assigned deadlines, they will receive full credit. There is no partial credit.

Questions (modified from scholastic.com.):

1) What new information did you learn from this book? Can you apply this information to an issue or problem in the United States today?

2) What words, phrases, ideas, or statements does the author use that caught your attention? Why? How did they make you feel? What did they make you think?

3) Did this book leave you with unanswered questions? What are they?


  • Initial posts and response posts are made no later than the deadlines listed in the syllabus.
  • Both the initial post and response post are at least eight sentences.
  • For initial posts, the question being answered is identified in the subject head.
  • For each discussion, the response post addresses a question different than the one that the student chose for his or her initial post. In other words, the initial post and the response post may not be about the same question.
  • Both the initial post and response post should use terminology or examples from the books to demonstrate that the material has been reviewed.
  • In response posts, students must provide additional evidence or examples not already covered in the thread for the post to which he or she is responding.
  • When quoting from one of the books, quote marks are used, and a parenthetical notation (page or chapter number) is included at the end of the quotation. (It is not necessary to include a bibliography or works cited.)
  • A good faith effort has been made to carefully edit and proof all posts. Students consulted the Writing Guide. Students may not edit their posts once they have been submitted.
  • The reflective discussion is intended for students to reflect on the book for the module. As such, students are only permitted to consult the assigned book to complete discussion. Students did not consult outside sources, including (but not limited to) homework help websites, such as Chegg, or books, eBooks, or online sources that provide summaries and analyses of the books, such as LitCharts. Students did not use AI programs, such as ChatGPT, to complete discussion. Students who violate the student code of conduct regarding academic honesty, including using unauthorized materials and plagiarism, will receive a zero on discussion and will be submitted to the Office of Community Standards for disciplinary action.
Explanation & Answer

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