Discussions 1 ( 1.5 )


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Read the Discussion Participation Rubric to learn how the instructor will evaluate your discussion participation throughout this course.

In this week, you examined several schools of thought that fall under the umbrella of moral consequentialism:

  • Utilitarian approach.
  • Constructualism/egoism approach.
  • Social contract approach.

Of these three, decide which one you believe is most relevant in our current global environment and explain why you believe the way you do. To complete you post, a.) use appropriate citations to support your choice and, b.) once you complete your explanation, consider your own personal thoughts on ethics and ethical leadership by addressing how the week readings affected the way you think about ethical decision making.

Support your position with references to the week readings and your own research. Be sure you follow current APA Style and Format Links an external site. guidelines for citations and referencesUse your The Elements of Moral Philosophy text to read the following:

  • Chapter 1, “What Is Morality?”
  • Chapter 5, “Ethical Egoism.”
  • Chapter 6, “The Social Contract Theory.”
  • Chapter 7, “The Utilitarian Approach.”

    Response Guidelines

    Respond to the posts of at least two of your peers. Try to choose someone whose perspective differed from yours. Do you agree or disagree with his or her position? Are there flaws in the reasoning

  • 8019
  • 1.5
  • One of the most important aspects of an online course is the interaction between you and your fellow learners. Write and post your self-introduction here, including mention of your educational and employment background related to the topics of this course. Also include a response to one of the following:
    • Draft one or two specific goals you want to accomplish by the end of the course.
    • Consider and describe how this course can contribute to your career goals.
    • Discuss your excitement, challenges, or apprehensions as you begin this course.

    This discussion provides a great opportunity for you and your fellow learners to get to know each other. Please make certain that your post is well-written, grammatically correct, and informative

Assignment Instructions


For this week’s Progress Report:

  1. Describe your proposed research topic area, referencing the applicable Acceptable Topics and Methods, linked in the Resources, and the specialization resources it includes.
  2. Note any questions or concerns you want your instructor to address this week.

Review the Week 1 Progress Report Rubric to learn about the criteria by which this assignment will be evaluated. When you have completed your assignment, submit it in the assignment area.

Explanation & Answer

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