Diversity and Equity


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Diversity and Equity in Healthcare:

A Critical Analysis


To critically analyze the issue of underrepresentation of minorities in healthcare professions and its implications for healthcare delivery, within the context of existing research and policy recommendations.


  1. Introduction: Briefly outline the issue of minority underrepresentation in healthcare professions, touching on the demographic shifts and the transition towards patient-centered care.
  2. Literature Review: Conduct a brief review of scholarly literature (FROM THE USA) that examines the reasons why minorities are underrepresented in healthcare professions. You are expected to include at least 3-5 academic sources in this section (USA BASED).
  3. Barriers to Entry: Discuss the barriers that hinder minorities from entering healthcare professions. Utilize scholarly research to substantiate your points and provide an analytical discussion on systemic issues like education, socio-economic factors, and institutional bias.
  4. Impact on Healthcare Access: Analyze how an increase in minority representation within healthcare professions would affect healthcare access and outcomes for minority communities. Draw upon studies and theories to support your analysis.
  5. Ethical Considerations: Reflect on the ethical dimensions of the issue. How do policies and institutional practices contribute to this inequity, and what ethical responsibilities do stakeholders have to address it?
  6. Personal Reflection: Discuss any personal experiences, observations, or future career goals related to the topic. How has your understanding of this issue evolved, and how might it impact your future work in health administration or public health?
  7. Conclusion: Summarize key insights from your analysis and propose future directions for research or policy initiatives.
  8. References: Include a list of cited scholarly articles, reports, and other resources, formatted according to APA guidelines.


  • Length: 1,000 – 1,500 words (4-6 pages), double-spaced, in APA format (Word file only)
  • Assessment Criteria: Depth of analysis, use of scholarly resources, critical thinking, relevance to course content, quality of writing
  • Rubric for Diversity and Equity in Healthcare Critical Analysis Paper
    Criteria Ratings Pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction
    3 ptsExcellentClearly introduces the topic, context, and importance. 2 ptsGoodAdequately introduces the topic but may lack some clarity. 1 ptsNeeds ImprovementPoorly introduces the topic. 0 ptsMissingLacks a proper introduction.
    3 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLiterature Review
    5 to >4.0 ptsExcellentReviews 3-5 scholarly sources, offering deep insight. 4 to >2.0 ptsGoodReviews 3-5 sources but lacks depth or misses some nuances. 2 to >0 ptsNeeds ImprovementReviews fewer than 3 scholarly sources, or the review lacks critical insight and coherence.
    5 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBarriers to Entry, Impact on Healthcare, and Ethical Considerations
    10 to >8.0 ptsExcellentDeeply analyzes barriers, impact, and ethics with scholarly support. 8 to >6.0 ptsGoodAdequate analysis but may lack depth in one or more areas. 6 to >0 ptsNeeds ImprovementSuperficial or missing analysis in one or more areas.
    10 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePersonal Reflection and Conclusion
    4 to >3.0 ptsExcellentOffers insightful personal reflection and a strong conclusion that ties the paper together. 3 to >2.0 ptsGoodAdequate reflection and conclusion but may lack some depth. 2 to >0 ptsNeeds ImprovementPoorly constructed reflection or conclusion, or lacking one or both.
    4 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Formatting, Citations, and Writing Quality
    3 ptsExcellentNo APA errors and high-quality academic writing. 2 ptsGoodMinor APA errors or writing issues. 1 ptsNeeds ImprovementMultiple APA errors and/or poor writing quality.
    3 pts
    Total Points: 25
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