ecom 201- 3198


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without question no 3

some notes from teacher:

The first question:

Paragraph one – Naming the team with a name related to the field of healthy food.

Paragraph two – Writing the names of the female students and their roles.

Paragraph three – Writing the name of each member and their personal goals for joining the team.

Paragraph four – The overall goal of the team and when you consider yourselves truly successful, answering about success on all levels, not just success in partnering with the Chinese brand. “The criteria for success vary from team to team,” and the doctor emphasized that we have taken in one of the previous units the criteria for success and failure defined by the team.

Paragraph five – Answer the 5 stages in team building found in the link provided in the assignment for more information, including them as part of the sources.






In this question, we are discussing the different stages in our selection of team members. Have we worked together before? Is this our first time working together? How did we overcome the initial barriers, and what strategies or methods did we follow for communication and discussion? (The first time we work together, we don’t know each other beforehand).

The second question:

Paragraph one – What was the main virtual tool we used as a virtual team to communicate and complete the assigned work? Provide an example (e.g., Blackboard, Zoom, Teams, Asana, Trello, Miro). Preferably, choose something different from Blackboard, Teams, and Zoom; the professor suggested searching online for another program.

Also, the second tool (Complimentary) used for informal communication, such as (WhatsApp, Telegram, Snapchat). The required image should not be from the internet; it should be something that actually proves our use of these tools. Provide a screenshot of each tool in use (very important for our names to be visible).

Paragraph two – We must use one of the features available in one of the tools we use and attach a screenshot. For example, sharing the screen during a meeting or presenting a specific file, and discuss it.

Paragraph three – Why did we choose this tool, for example, Zoom, and not Blackboard, and others? What distinguishes the program we chose from others?

Paragraph four – Assuming we have a budget of 10,000… what are the tools available in the market that can serve as a virtual team? Provide only one example.

Paragraph five – How many times did we meet as a virtual team? Attach images from our meetings at different times and indicate the duration of the meeting.

Paragraph six – We search for the Meeting Minutes and explain how it served the team. Create one and include it with the answer, including the date of one of the meetings we had, the time, who attended and who was absent, the agenda, what we discussed, and the action plan for the team.The fourth question:

Paragraph one – Propose a strategy for the success of the marketing campaign for the Chinese company in the healthy food sector.

Paragraph two – 300 words explaining the strategy, including an introduction, the strategy’s overview, and its conclusion (including how to reach the target audience).

Paragraph three – The strategy should include statistics about the Saudi market in the healthy food sector.

Paragraph four – A 200-word response from the representative of the Chinese company to the proposed strategy. Is it suitable for them or not, and why?

Paragraph five – Team members should mention their observations and feedback on the feedback received from the Chinese team’s representative. If there are no comments, express gratitude and begin working with them.

The fifth question:

In 100 words, explain whether our team’s strategy succeeded or failed and talk about our teamwork and how it was. Also, suggest what we can do to improve in the future and so on.

Regarding the sources, as per the professor’s requirements:

– The sources should not be older than 2019, except for the book since it’s an older version.

– The link mentioned in the assignment about team building stages should be included in the sources.

– Only two additional sources are allowed, and they should not be older than 2019.

For each question, the answer should be in a direct format, not as paragraphs. If the project is in the form of paragraphs, two marks will be deducted from each paragraph in the project. (Each question should have its direct answer).

the title for my project

Healthy food


1- Team manager: alhanouf

2- Representative: fatimah

3- Technical support expert: manal

4- General member: Tahera

5- General member :zainab

Explanation & Answer

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