Education & Teaching Question


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Dq1.)The ability to distinguish between various reading challenges is essential to meet the needs of individual students. Explain the difference between dyslexia and one other deficit (language or reading comprehension). Describe one support strategy that would be appropriate for students experiencing each of these challenges.

DQ2.)For students with dyslexia and other reading challenges, social and emotional problems begin to develop when reading instruction does not match their learning needs. On the “Through Your Child’s Eyes” page of the Understood website, review the videos listed under “Reading Challenges: Videos of Kids,” and discuss specific steps classroom teachers can take to support the emotional and social needs of students who face reading challenges.

Dq3)What are the main differences between an IFSP and an IEP? What will be your role as an early childhood special education professional in transitioning a child from an IFSP to an IEP? What are the roles of other stakeholders in this transition?

Dq4) A new student enters your school and is assigned to your kindergarten classroom. Upon meeting the child, you are struck by an obvious lack of school readiness. The parents tell you that the child has no siblings and was never enrolled in daycare or preschool. Brief interaction with the child convinces you of the need for evaluation for special services, but the parents are reluctant. They do not think their child needs any additional support, just time to adjust to the environment. How do you address this situation?

DQ5.) How might speech and language development delays and deficiencies indicated on an IFSP inform the creation of literacy goals on an IEP? How would this affect academic goals for the student?

DQ6.)Select a classroom assessment that can measure a component skill of reading (i.e., morphology, vocabulary, fluency, phonics, decoding). Summarize the assessment including what it measures and how it is administered and scored. How would the assessment results guide instruction for students with and without exceptionalities?

*Assignment, one -As a teacher, you will encounter students with reading challenges daily. Some students may already have a diagnosed disability, but because of their age, teachers are usually the first people to identify possible academic concerns. It is important that teachers have a solid understanding of the warning signs of possible learning disabilities and can identify the difference between students who may have disabilities and those who are just in the process of learning to read.

For this assignment, create a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document for your school. This document will be kept in the classroom and used as a reference for all teachers. Using the topic Resources and your own research, create a FAQ document that could be given to teachers. This document needs to address the following questions:

  • What are two disabilities that may affect a child’s reading ability?
  • What are five warning signs that a student may have a reading disability?
  • What data is collected to determine a reading disability or risk of reading disability and how is the data is analyzed?
  • When should a more detailed, comprehensive assessment be considered?
  • What is the role of Response to Intervention (RTI) strategies in assisting students and determining the need for additional testing and intervention?
  • What are five programs and/or resources to support students with indications of a reading disability?
  • What teacher training is necessary to ensure student reading needs are being met in the classroom?

Support the assignment with 2-3 resources.

While APA Style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

*assignment two -Well-planned transitions are a vital part of early childhood education. Transitioning students from preschool to elementary grades, particularly those with exceptionalities, requires changes both legal and practical. Partnering with families and other professionals is crucial to successful transitions.

Arrange the field experience for this course in a kindergarten to Grade 3 setting in which you observe and collaborate with a mentor teacher.

Prior to the field experience, review the requirements of all practicum assignments for this course. Create a document to share with your mentor teacher detailing the requirements for all field experiences for this course and what is being requested of your mentor. This document should include the scheduling required to complete all assignments.

Part 1: Interview

As you begin your practicum, interview your mentor teacher to gather general information about the students you will be working with. The focus throughout this practicum will be literacy and you will be working with students that struggle with or excel in reading and/or writing. The questions in your interview must include, but not be limited to, the following:

  • How do you assist students in transitioning from grade to grade?
  • What are your expectations of me, your mentee? What are the professional dispositions including expectations regarding dress, behavior, etc.?
  • What are the expectations for students, routines, and procedures?
  • When students enter your classroom how do you evaluate their literacy levels?
  • How would you summarize the literacy levels of your current class?
  • Are there students in your class who receive services, both low achieving and gifted?

Write a 250-500 word summary of the interview with your mentor focusing specifically on transitions, literacy levels, routines, procedures, and expectations within the environment of the practicum experience. How will what you learned from this interview inform your work in the practicum classroom? How will you apply the information to your future professional practice?

Part 2: Student Identification

In addition, collaborate with your mentor to identify two students who may benefit from additional assistance with literacy development (reading and/or writing). You will use these two students for other assignments throughout this course. If possible, select a student who may have signs of dyslexia. These can be students who receive services, gifted students, or students that need additional help. You will be working with these students throughout the remainder of the practicum.

Discuss data the mentor has about each student, including observations, assessment results, family input, and any other information they can share. Create a graphic organizer or template that will help you collect the data provided by your mentor. Include the following information for each of the students:

  • Academic strengths and needs (including, but not limited to literacy).
  • Developmental level, including delays, strengths or accelerations, as well as social-emotional development.
  • Any diagnoses or services for which the student qualifies (based on IFSP, IEP, or 504).
  • Contextual factors, including culture, community, and family background,
  • How you could partner with the student’s family in assessing the student’s strengths and needs.

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

*Assignment three-As an early childhood educator, you will be responsible for gathering observational and assessment data that will inform instructional planning and decisions. Collecting this information will provide you with valuable information you will need for lesson planning and developing IEPs.

Using the “Observation and Evaluation” template, collaborate with your mentor to compile objective assessment data specifically related to literacy skills and development for the two students you selected in Topic 1. Observe and interact with each student to gather additional data. Include any student data that may indicate signs of dyslexia.

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

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