ENGL 101 REvison


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We’ve made a revision plan before, and now the time has come to do it again. Once you’ve read the feedback you’ve received from your instructor and your peers, follow the instructions below to create a revision plan for your Essay 2 – So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed Final submission.


First, re-read your Essay 2 – So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed scaffold, draft and all the feedback you’ve received on it. Then, re-read the Reverse Outlining chapter and your notes on it.

  • In an MLA formatted word document
    • Write a bullet pointed list of what you think you need to add, cut, and otherwise revise, based on the feedback you’ve received and what you know to be missing based on the scaffold. Do this before doing the reverse outline.
    • Underneath this, follow these instructions for making a reverse outline. They are based on the instructions in the chapter linked above, modified to work with a typed document.
      • First, type “Thesis” into your document and type your thesis following this.
      • Type “Body paragraph one main idea,” hit enter, and then type “How this supports my thesis”
      • Read your first body paragraph out loud
      • As you read and after, type in your paragraph’s main ideas, and then type in how this main idea supports your thesis
      • Repeat this process with each of your body paragraphs
    • After your reverse outline type in the following questions and record your answers:
      • Do multiple paragraphs share the same main idea?
      • Do any paragraphs have multiple main ideas?
      • Do any paragraphs lack a clear main idea?
      • Do any main ideas not connect clearly and directly back to the thesis?
      • Do ideas flow from paragraph to paragraph?
      • Have I referenced the book and given enough information so that someone who doesn’t know the story will understand me?
    • Finally, write a numbered list where you identify the things you need to add, cut, and change to finish this essay. Once you write this, make sure it’s in the order you think is best. This will be your plan for revision.
Explanation & Answer

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