English Question


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Asssignment 1: Discuss the image of an inmate and the correctional officer as portrayed by the media (TV shows, movies etc.). What are some of the common characteristics of each as portrayed by the media?

Assignment 2: A state violates an agreement they signed last year, stating that they would not attempt to develop nuclear weapons. The violation can be best described as ________

Question 1 options:


an externality.


a transaction cost.

Question 2 (2.475 points)

The International Criminal Court (ICC) is a tribunal responsible for prosecuting international war crimes and crimes against humanity. They do not have a police force, so they rely on states to make arrests and transfer indicted individuals to the ICC detention center. This scenario best represents a form of ________

Question 2 options:

free riding.


agency slack.

diffuse enforcement.

Question 3 (0.75 points)

Question 3 options:

The provision of public goods involves a(n) ________ problem, which occurs when everyone agrees about the benefits of a common goal, yet there are few incentives for individuals to pay the cost of achieving that goal.

Question 4 (2.475 points)

Two warring states have recently signed a peace treaty. The treaty includes an agreement to demilitarize portions of their armies and begin sharing access to important resources located inside their respective borders. This treaty can be best described as a(n) ________

Question 4 options:

collective action.

distributional stake.

international institution.

interdependent norm.

Question 5 (2.475 points)

A state signs a trade agreement with another state. The deal includes a stipulation that eliminates tariffs on healthcare-related goods. After signing the agreement, the state eliminated the same tariffs on healthcare-related goods being exported by other trade partners. The state’s actions toward their trade partners best represents the principle of ________

Question 5 options:





Question 6 (2.475 points)

Government leaders are meeting to discuss a proposal to voluntarily transition control of their foreign policy to a larger state. After confirming that they will maintain domestic control of the state, the leaders agree to the proposal. Which of the following best describes this political arrangement?

Question 6 options:

informal empire.




Question 7 (2.475 points)

After the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union ended, the United States emerged as the remaining great power due to the significant advantage in military and economic capabilities it had over other states. The post–Cold War international system from 1991 to 2008 can be best described as a ________ order.

Question 7 options:





Question 8 (1.5 points)

Global governance is the process by which the most powerful state in the international system distributes certain public goods.

Question 8 options:

Question 9 (2.475 points)

On behalf of nearly 200 member states, the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) oversees action taken to eliminate chemical weapons in the international system. Which of the following would best represent drift on the part of the OPCW?

Question 9 options:

The OPCW neglects to report their research and findings to the member states.

The OPCW sends in a team of investigators to see if a state is manufacturing chemical weapons.

The OPCW fails to thoroughly investigate a state accused of possessing chemical weapons.

The OPCW begins working with a state to eliminate its supply of nuclear weapons.

Question 10 (2.475 points)

Two states agree to eliminate their supplies of chemical weapons. One state believes it should work with an international organization and neutral states to oversee the disposal of the weapons. The other state believes it should use a private disposal firm that will be monitored by representatives from both states. This scenario best represents a ________ problem.

Question 10 options:


diffuse enforcement.



Question 11 (0.75 points)

Question 11 options:

Hegemons support international trade through the provision of ________ that facilitate cooperative economic relationships among all states.

Question 12 (2.475 points)

Many states in the international system are committed to initiatives designed to reduce pollution and provide clean air around the globe. The clean air in this scenario can be best described as a(n) ________

Question 12 options:

collective action.



public good.

Question 13 (2.475 points)

Two states recently made a lucrative trade agreement with each other. A third state has benefited from increased trade due to the significant economic growth the trade partners have experienced. The increased trade in the third state can be best described as ________

Question 13 options:



an interdependency.

an externality.

Question 14 (2.475 points)

After World War II, a significant proportion of international economic activity concentrated within the United States. As a direct result, the United States helped stimulate high levels of trade across the globe. These statements best support the concept of ________ theory.

Question 14 options:

hegemonic stability

power transition

spheres of influence


Question 15 (2.475 points)

A popular theory posits that the growth of the military and economic power of China heightens the risks of war with the United States. Which of the following arguments best refutes this theory?

Question 15 options:

The presence of the United Nations would make a war difficult.

China can leverage a broader group of military alliances.

A more technologically advanced military will help to prevent the potential decline of U.S. military power.

Declining global markets will take the focus away from war.

Question 16 (0.75 points)

Question 16 options:

A(n) ________ is a group of countries with no tariffs among them.

Question 17 (0.75 points)

Question 17 options:

The World Trade Organization operates by a system of _________, which is provided by members of the international system, rather than by a central authority.

Question 18 (0.75 points)

Question 18 options:

Great powers can counter their rivals’ attempts to achieve military superiority through ________, where they increase military spending and capabilities by redirecting domestic economic resources away from private consumption and private investment.

Question 19 (2.475 points)

A small state feels threatened by a neighboring state that has been strengthening its military over the past decade. Government leaders begin forming strategic alliances with other states to offset the growth of the neighboring state. This example best represents ________

Question 19 options:

hegemonic stability.

external balancing.

internal balancing.

an informal empire.

Question 20 (1.5 points)

A dictatorship is a form of political organization in which a powerful state rules over a subordinate political organization, often a colony.

Question 20 options:

Question 21 (1.5 points)

Interactions between states in the international system often generate externalities felt by actors not directly involved in those interactions.

Question 21 options:

Question 22 (2.475 points)

Which of the following would best demonstrate a means by which a great power might prevent other great powers from establishing hierarchical political relationships with a group of regional states?

Question 22 options:

by eliminating access to public goods in the region

by building a multipolar distribution of power in the region

by creating a sphere of influence in their region

by committing to a strategy of internal balancing in the region

Question 23 (2.475 points)

A sovereign state retains its formal, legal independence while voluntarily surrendering a large portion of political control over its domestic and foreign policies to a great power. This hierarchical political organization between the two states can be best described as a(n) ________

Question 23 options:

informal empire.




Question 24 (2.475 points)

Which of the following best represents one of the political or economic challenges that great powers face when sustaining their position?

Question 24 options:

heightened threats from other great powers

expanded support for isolationist behaviors

increased costs to invest in their military defense measures

expanded expectations regarding control of other states

Question 25 (1.5 points)

Power transition theory argues that shifts in the distribution of capabilities among great powers provoke wars that fundamentally alter the larger political order.

Question 25 options:

Question 26 (0.75 points)

Question 26 options:

Great powers establish ________ over other regions by preventing other great powers from establishing hierarchical political relationships with the political organizations within them.

Question 27 (2.475 points)

During a period when the international system lacks a hegemon, which of the following would most likely occur?

Question 27 options:

trade would decline throughout the system

public goods creation would increase throughout the system

the risks associated with exchange rate instability would decline throughout the system

domestic markets would open to international trade throughout the system

Question 28 (2.475 points)

During the past five years, the last hegemon in the international system has seen its influence decline in conjunction with a decrease in their military and economic strength. During the same period, another state has rapid economic and military growth, which has increased its influence in the international system. In a situation like this, power transition theory states that these changes will most likely ________

Question 28 options:

preserve the hegemon’s ability to expand.

increase the risks for war.

increase trade within the international system.

create a bipolar system.

Question 29 (2.475 points)

Which of the following best represents the concept of a distributional stake?

Question 29 options:

A state is placing an embargo on another state after they fail to comply with a standing trade agreement.

A group of states is agreeing to waive all standing tariffs between them.

A coalition of states is asking the United States to intercede with a state accused of human rights violations.

A state is opposing portions of a potential peace treaty that may impact their access to resources.

Question 30 (2.475 points)

In the international system, one of the significant challenges that principal-agent relationships face is ________ delegating responsibilities to an international organization.

Question 30 options:

customs unions

multiple principals

various agents

free riders

Explanation & Answer

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