ESL – 0106 M5: Supplementary Reading: Genetics, the Human Genome Project, Drug Breakt…


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M5: Supplementary Reading: Genetics, the Human Genome Project, Drug Breakt…

Reading Summary is due by 6:30 pm, October 16.

Perform a database search in order to find an article of 750+ words about this week’s topics: Genetics, Genetic Research, the Human Genome Project. Read the article and answer the following questions in paragraph form in a Word document. Save the article as a PDF and link it into your Word Document.

Use the four reading strategies discussed in class to choose and to read your article (Remember, skim for length, structure, basic content before you commit to the article!). Put it in MLA format and include Work Cited information at the end of your assignment. Attach the assignment here as instructed in “Blackboard How Tos” in the “Start Here” content area.

1. Write your main idea sentence first. Don’t forget to include the author or the article and claim signal words.

2. What major support does the writer include to support the claim? Mention at least three key pieces of evidence (support).

3. How is the article organized? problem/solution, classification, compare/contrast, cause/effect, definition?

4. Why did you choose this article?

5. What are your thoughts about the writer’s claim? Do you agree? Disagree? Why?

Include a Work Cited information at the the end of the paragraph!

Reading Response Scoring Tool
Reading Response Scoring Tool
Criteria Ratings Pts
Formatting and Mechanics

10 pts


Assignment is in MLA format. There are few mechanical errors or grammatical structures that interfere with coherence.

9 pts

Not Bad!

Assignment may not be in correct in MLA format. There may be mechanical errors or grammatical structures that interfere with coherence.

5 pts

Uh oh! See me!

Assignment may be sloppy or lack coherence.

/ 10 pts


15 pts


Assignment identifies key elements of citation including author, date, and source of publication. Assignment clearly and thoroughly summarizes key content.

11 pts

Not Bad!

Assignment may or may not identify all key elements of citation including author, date, and source of publication. Summary may miss some key content or may not appropriately paraphrase.

7 pts

Uh oh! See me!

Assignment is not completed as instructed.

/ 15 pts

Main Idea

5 pts


Writer accurately identifies and paraphrases the main idea of the reading.

4 pts

Not Bad!

Writer does not accurately identify and/or paraphrase the main idea of the reading.

0 pts

Uh oh! See me!

No attempt has been made to paraphrase the main idea.

/ 5 pts

Explanation & Answer

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