Exploring Data Sets for Cyber Security


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Title: Exploring Data Sets for Cyber Security Research

  1. Introduction: In this assignment, you will delve into the realm of data sets related to cyber security. You will select two data sets, each meeting specific criteria in terms of size and time span. For each data set, you will analyze its relevance to the field of cyber security and discuss how it can be utilized for research purposes. Through this assignment, you will enhance your understanding of the importance of data analysis in cyber security research.Instructions:
    1. Data Set Selection:
      • Choose a data set containing a minimum of 1000 entries and spanning 5 years.
      • Choose a second data set containing a minimum of 500 entries and spanning 3 years.
      • Ensure that the data sets are publicly available and related to cyber security.
    2. Data Set Analysis:
      • For each data set, write a paragraph discussing its relevance to the field of cyber security.
      • Explain how the data set can be used for cyber security research and analysis.
      • Highlight any specific types of cyber security threats, incidents, or trends that can be explored using the data.

    Page 2: Rubric

    Criteria Excellent (5) Good (4) Satisfactory (3) Needs Improvement (2) Poor (1)
    Data Set Selection Chose two relevant data sets meeting all criteria and publicly available Chose two suitable data sets with minor gaps in criteria or relevance Chose data sets with some relevance, though criteria were not fully met Chose irrelevant data sets with significant gaps in criteria or relevance Did not choose data sets
    Relevance to Cyber Security Provided insightful and comprehensive explanations of how each data set relates to cyber security Provided good explanations of data set relevance to cyber security Provided satisfactory explanations, though some aspects could be clearer Provided unclear or limited explanations of data set relevance Did not explain relevance to cyber security
    Research Utilization Clearly and effectively explained how each data set can be utilized for cyber security research Explained how data sets can be used for research, though some aspects could be elaborated Provided basic explanations of research utilization, lacking depth Provided vague or inaccurate explanations of research utilization Did not explain research utilization

    Page 3-4: Data Set Analysis (Dataset 1)Write paragraphs for each data set that discuss its relevance to cyber security and its potential for research utilization. Use additional pages if needed.

  2. Page 5-6: Data Set Analysis (Dataset 2)Write paragraphs for each data set that discuss its relevance to cyber security and its potential for research utilization. Use additional pages if needed.

Explanation & Answer

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